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Vicidial Asterisk Transfer on a new server

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 7:24 am
by albertgacute

I have successfully configured a working server using the latest vicibox server, with the current build

ViciBox v.8.1.2 181002 | Asterisk 13.21.1-vici |VERSION: 2.14-695a BUILD: 181116-1133

the problem is that we have to transfer the existing database of a lower version that was installed from scratch and got tons of problems on it. the build of the old server is below

asterisk- | Vicidial VERSION: 2.12-549a BUILD: 160404-0940

My questions are the following

1. Can we transfer a database on a new server with a higher version of everything, vicidial and asterisk
2. Do we need to install from scratch and not from a vicibox server iso for this to work
3. or do we have to install the same version of asterisk and vicidial, my problem here is i have no idea on how to install that certain vicidial as i am searching forums how but found nothing.

Please help. Thank you

Re: Vicidial Asterisk Transfer on a new server

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:22 pm
by williamconley
If I read this correctly, you have a new, fresh, working server and you want to move your old data (users, leads, everything) into the freshly installed server.

1) Back up the DB on BOTH servers (in case you need to start over).

2) Transfer the DB file from the 2.12 server's HD to the 2.14 server's HD

3) Restore the 2.12 DB into the 2.14 server

4) Upgrade the 2.12 DB using the instructions from the UPGRADE document in the svn trunk folder (/usr/src/astguiclient/trunk).

5) Run the IP update script using the 2.12 server's IP as old and the 2.14 servers IP as new.

6) Modify admin->system settings and admin->servers back to what they were in 2.14. Also set all the "rebuild" and "update" options above recording limit to Y.

7) Reboot.

If you have any questions on any of these individual tasks, feel free to ask. I'm sure someone can clarify.


  • It can be useful to make a copy of the DB using phpMyAdmin's copy db tool so you can easily grab records from the 2.14 for use in the 2.12 (such as system settings and server settings).
  • Alternately, you can mysqldump these two tables just before and restore just after so those two tables essentially remain unchanged during the switchover. Just be sure not to restore them until AFTER you have finished the upgrade process so they match.
  • During the UPGRADE process, it's not necessary (and may be disruptive) to run any commands that have already been run. We often modify the first .sql file that need to be run by deleting all those commands up to the present db schema value to avoid collisions.

Re: Vicidial Asterisk Transfer on a new server

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 6:17 am
by albertgacute
Thank you, we will try the following