elismerkaj wrote:i have configured the survey with call menu and than call menu to extension 772 and added the dialplane this one
exten => _772,1,AGI(
exten => _772,2,Dial(SIP/101&SIP/110&SIP/111&SIP/cc117&SIP/cc118&SIP/cc119&SIP/cc120&SIP/cc121,,tTo)
exten => _772,3,Hangup
You should have Remote Agents in the campaign. Read the Vicidial Manager's Manual. Remote agents can have phones. Rather than manually adding sip phones to an extension, you change each remote agent (one phone per agent) to ACTIVE or INACTIVE based on whether you want that agent to get calls. There's even a "remote agent interface", so you can have them activate their own phones, if you like.
Better yet ... Logged In agents with Firefox running the agent interface, for full Vicidial functionality.
Have you ... read the Vicidial Manager's Manual?
elismerkaj wrote:when it rings to the sip it shows eve the client number and i dont want that
i want to hide the number(at least 4, 5 digits of the number)
This would be a setting in the InGroup: if you were using remote agents you could control the number presented to the agents with OnHook settings. Of course, OnHook would require you to route the calls through an InGroup.
All of which is covered in the Manual for proper setup to avoid having to re-invent Vicidial using your likely previous knowledge of Asterisk. Like an Amish using a horse to pull their "station wagon" because ... it's a wagon, right? lol
elismerkaj wrote:now i have one issue how to extract the reports ???
There's an entire menu for Reports. Since you have not stated that specific information is missing from one of them or being sought by you, all I can do is refer you to the reports.
I will say that if you want reports based on who took calls, the Vicidial system has no idea since you are generating calls directly to sip extensions outside Vicidial. Refer to the above remarks about "remote" or "logged in" Vicidial agents to get reports.
Additionally: Remote agents would show as "in call" and you could avoid generating new calls for agents already in calls, thus Vicidial could stop dialing entirely when all your agents are busy. Avoiding dropped calls.