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Strange problem with http post/get

PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:34 pm
by gigiov
Hello everyone.
Although i am not a programmer i will try to explain the strange problem we are facing.
We have vicidial on server1 (VERSION: 2.14-517c BUILD: 170331-2255) and our custom CRM on server 2.
Our CRM is written in C# and we use vicidial's http get/post function to get the DID number.

To be more specific part of the string is:

Our problem is that throughout the day (randomly) the vicidial returns empty did_extension, so the CRM on server 2 doesn't know which customer the call should be addressed to thus there is an empty pop up window in the operator.

Could it be a bug?
Could it be due to lack of resources?
I really have no clue, and i am posting here just in case someone else had the same problem.

Thank you for your time

Re: Strange problem with http post/get

PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:53 pm
by williamconley
1) Thanks for posting your Vici Version with Build. Please remember to also post your Installer Method with Version (link if instructions online instead of Vicibox .iso).

2) You presented as a technical question, but you did not provide the technical location of the source of this URL. Is this a dispo url on an Ingroup? or a campaign web form? different places? I say this because information of this nature is available at different times in different places. Also, you may be pulling from Ingroup in some places and Campaign in others and the did_extension may be treated differently.

3) The path of the call is also very important. Transferring the call, for instance, can change various values.

4) Consider grabbing the Vicidial Lead ID's record from the database and using that for all decisions. If the DID is stored in the record (which is normal), it should remain regardless of the path of the call unless you or an agent specifically alter it.

5) Depending on your configuration and usage: There may be a log entry in Vicidial's DB noting the response from your CRM. You could begin giving feedback which would then be stored in the log to assist with tracing.

Happy Hunting 8-)

PS: Why would you write a CRM in c# when you have Linux and PHP available? lol

Re: Strange problem with http post/get

PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:23 pm
by ambiorixg12
depending on the method used to make the get request you could use the URL Log Report to debug your issue

Re: Strange problem with http post/get

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:18 am
by gigiov
Good morning.
Thank you for your answers.

1) I dont know the installer method. A 3rd company did the initial installation and i have no idea how they did it.
They dont seem to be able to debug this and they are trying to drag the crm programmer into this. This is causing me
2 issues. 1) i have to get involved on how to find a solutions 2) we are looking for another company to support us,
and i will soon post a new thread asking for professionals to help us.

2) The servers are both located on the same LAN. Not sure what you mean about the rest. :/

3) As far as i know.. there is no actual call transfer. All agents join a private "conference room"
and the incoming calls are added and removed (after call ends).

4) I dont have the knowledge to do this but i will inform the 3rd party guys.

5) Also, will let those guys know about it.