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PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:37 am
by kennow

I have vicibox v 7.0 and am trying to upgrade to v 8.1

I tried using "vicibox-upgrade" and "zipper up -y" . It still shows vicibox 7:~ # on the server. The new installation manual shows that it should read Vicibox_v8_1.

Is there a command to uprade the vicidial or do I need to burn another installation disk?


Re: Upgrade

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2019 2:42 pm
by williamconley
Vicibox and Vicidial versions are not related. Vicibox is the installer. You already used the installer, that's not going to change. It'll alway be a server that was installed with that installer.

ViciDIAL on the other hand, is a group of scripts (installed by the installer) that control various packages and manage the user experience. All Vicibox does is create an environment for Vicidial to run.

So when you upgrade, you will upgrade Vicidial not Vicibox. The version of Vicidial is shown on the bottom left corner of all the admin pages. That will increase when you upgrade. The upgrade of the Operating System packages (zypper up) is also unrelated (and a bit dangerous, as any package is able to break some functionality when upgrading randomly).

So an interesting question is ... why are you upgrading in the first place?