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Would it be a bad idea to change the list id of the lead?

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2019 12:18 pm
by ConnectedDialer
We have several stages a customer will go through in our CRM. For each stage we have a list in vicidial. When customer moves up to next stage, we change the lead status to not be contacted in the current list and create a lead in the next list. Would there be any issues if we were to simply change the list id of the lead instead of changing the status and creating a new lead entry? Would this be considered a bad practice?


Re: Would it be a bad idea to change the list id of the lead

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2019 5:04 am
by mflorell
Not at all. We have many clients that do this, and in fact there is even a default script that many clients use as part of a Dispo Call URL configuration that moves leads under certain criteria to different lists automatically after an agent dispositions a call in a certain way: agc/dispo_move_list.php

Re: Would it be a bad idea to change the list id of the lead

PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2019 1:08 pm
by williamconley
IF you have custom fields, learn how to use the "entry_list_id" field to retain a link to the custom field data.