I am having difficulty determining the actual agent to customer call length per call.
vicidial recording_log length_in_sec does not match vicidial_closer_log length_in_sec or vicidial_agent_log talk_sec; example below.
length_in_sec: 264
queue_seconds: 0
pause_sec: 0
wait_sec: 470
talk_sec: 263
dispo_sec: 40
dead_sec: 59
vicidial recording_log
length_in_sec: 205
I (incorrectly) assumed the talk_sec was the time an agent spent talking to or engaged with a customer. From this example, it would appear the actual talk time is the talk_sec - dead_sec (approximately); however, when a call is transferred to a third party the talk_sec far exceeds either of the length_in_sec fields because it includes the time after our agent has left the call. There are also times when the vicidial_closer_log and/or recording_log length_in_sec far exceeds the vicidial_agent_log talk_sec.
There are also times when there are 2 recordings; one with the true talk time and a longer one with the time after the customer has hung up but the agent has not yet dispositioned. There have been times when the difference between the times are only a few seconds and other times when the differences exceed 20 minutes and everything in between.
There does not seem to be any report that shows true talk time.
I look at the Inbound Report v2, but it seems the "Total Time" column is showing vicidial_closer_log length_in_sec.
The Export reports seem to show the vicidial_closer_log length_in_sec.
The Agent Performance Report makes a distinction between Talk Time and Customer Time and separates out disposition and dead time also, but A) there is no such report on an individual call level and B) I now am not certain these columns are accurate or mean what I previously thought them to mean.
How can I determine the time between an agent and customer getting connected and either party leaving the call regardless how long the recording continues or the agent spends wrapping up or the time after the agent has left the customer and a third party in conversation? For each call, I need to know the true talk time.