campaig if you know extensión plus drop routing calls

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campaig if you know extensión plus drop routing calls

Postby cvillarreal77 » Tue Sep 10, 2019 10:33 pm

hi friends

i hace vicibox version 7.0.3 and i have a campaign of type "if you know the extension"...

my id´s agents are of type "20xx" for this exmple i choose 2001 and 2005

and i try to install an option for when the calls drops , this calls routing an other extension , for this i check the manager manual in this section:

"Drop Exten -If Drop Action is set to MESSAGE, this is the dial plan extension that the call will be sent to if it reaches Drop Call Seconds. For AGENTDIRECT in-groups, if the user is unavailable, you can put AGENTEXT in this field and the system will look up the user custom five field and send the call to that dialplan number."

and well i have a agentdirect ingroup working perfectly... but for i see the steps are:

1.-put "AGENTEXT" word in the Drop Exten field
2.-put in Drop Action "message" option
3,.in the user configuration for 2001 i have:
"Custom User Fields -These five fields can be used for various purposes, and they can be populated in the web form addresses and scripts as user_custom_one and so on. The Custom 5 field can be used as a field to define a dialplan number to send a call to from an AGENTDIRECT in-group if the user is unavailable, you just need to put AGENTEXT in the MESSAGE or EXTENSION field in the AGENTDIRECT in-group and the system will look up the custom five field and send the call to that dialplan number"

then in this fields i put the destination extension , in this case 2005..

but I don't get it to work,, this process is the correct?
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Re: campaig if you know extensión plus drop routing calls

Postby williamconley » Thu Sep 12, 2019 7:04 pm

1) You did not post your vicidial version with build. (You did post your installer info, very cool, but ... Vicidial Version is more important and required).

2) "but I don't get it to work" is an interesting statement. This is not a car. It's not here in the shop. The rest of us have no idea what part did not work. Do you mean the server won't turn on? The calls go to the agents in a logged in campaign but not to the unavailable extension defined in custom field number five when they are not available?

3) Campaigns do not have "if you know the person" versions. Call Menus can do this. But Campaigns ... can only receive a single digit response and then ONLY if the campaign is a Survey Campaign.
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Re: campaig if you know extensión plus drop routing calls

Postby cvillarreal77 » Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:54 pm

hi mr conley

thank you for answering me :)

my vicidial version is :

VERSION: 2.12-552a
BUILD: 160429-0835

i Added the option to my campaign “If you know the extension... option to a Call Menu with AGENTDIRECT DID " to my campaig :)

first i have:

the call is received in the call menu, it has an agi option as the manual says "exten => _XXXX, n, AGI (agi-AGENT_route.agi, default-etc etc etc") the call menu ask for the extension , and this sends the calls to my agentdirect ingroup and they reach to the defined agent.... this works very well

now need to redirect calls of my agents when they are unavailable or when time expires and cannot answer..... this is what doesn't work

this was what i did:

1.-in agentdirect ,i put "AGENTEXT" word in the Drop Exten field
2.-put in Drop Action "message" option
3,.in the user configuration for my user 2001 ,the manager manual says:
"Custom User Fields -These five fields can be used for various purposes, and they can be populated in the web form addresses and scripts as user_custom_one and so on. The Custom 5 field can be used as a field to define a dialplan number to send a call to from an AGENTDIRECT in-group if the user is unavailable, you just need to put AGENTEXT in the MESSAGE or EXTENSION field in the AGENTDIRECT in-group and the system will look up the custom five field and send the call to that dialplan number"

then in this five fields i put the destination extension .. but dont works

I log into my agent ... pretend that my agent is unavailable by not answering the calls.

when the call arrives at the agent, I wait 20 seconds and the call hangs up, not directing it to another extension :(

I hope I have expressed myself correctly
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Re: campaig if you know extensión plus drop routing calls

Postby williamconley » Fri Sep 13, 2019 12:25 pm

is this an on-hook agent?

have you tried it without logging in as the agent?

Have you tried this according to the Vicidial Manager's Manual instead of the bits and pieces you've found in the help screens?
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Re: campaig if you know extensión plus drop routing calls

Postby cvillarreal77 » Sat Sep 14, 2019 8:19 pm

I solved it Mr. Conley . :D :D :D :D

. the correct option to configure is Estimated Hold Time Option and not Drop Action in aggent direct ingroup-

and my mistake is the extension should be in the five field in user configuration :)

this works very well .. thank you so much :D
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Re: campaig if you know extensión plus drop routing calls

Postby williamconley » Sat Sep 14, 2019 8:26 pm

All I did is tell you to read the Manual. But if you want to thank me, stick around and help a newbie! Now that you've got some experience under your belt, you'd be surprised how educational it is to help the next guy. 8-)
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Re: campaig if you know extensión plus drop routing calls

Postby ambiorixg12 » Sat Sep 14, 2019 10:27 pm

But if is an AGENTDIRECT ingroup, it means a single agent is on that ingroup . So the combination of Drop Action Drop Exten should work
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