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Cancel the manual dial after review the lead and commit info

PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 4:16 pm
by bghayad

vicibox 8.1.0, vicidial 2.14b0.5, Build 190628-1511, asterisk 13.21.1-vici, Single Machine

Sometime we only need to update the lead information without need to dial. So after we finish some calls, I click on View Call Log and I click dial on one of the lead and click on Preview Call, so I will be able to see the lead information at the agent interface, and there I can fill the needed information for the lead if it is missing and I can click on commit and we finished, I do not need to click on Dial Lead and I need to finish, how? I tried to click on Skip_Call but it is not allowing because it says that manual call or call back are not allowed to be skipped. So what is the solution?

We use this method to update the lead information, we do not need to call it actually.

What is the solution to avoid doing call in this case?

Re: Cancel the manual dial after review the lead and commit

PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 6:21 pm
by bghayad

Please any help about this topic?


Re: Cancel the manual dial after review the lead and commit

PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 9:26 pm
by mflorell
Have you tried the "In-Group Manual Dial" campaign setting set to NO_DIAL?

This feature allows you to enable the ability for agents to place manual dial outbound calls that are logged as in-group calls assigned to a specific in-group. The MANUAL_DIAL option allows the placing of phone calls out through an In-Group to the agent placing the call. The NO_DIAL option allows the agent to log time on a call that does not exist, as if it were a real call, this is often used for logging email or faxing time. The BOTH option will allow both call and no-call in-group dialing. The default is DISABLED.

Re: Cancel the manual dial after review the lead and commit

PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 7:19 am
by bghayad
Thank you Matt a lot for your kindly help and reply.

Selecting No-Dial or Selecting the Dial In-Group will give us the Disposition Screen that will request from us to select the Status, and I do not need this to happen because we do not need to change the Status (and the Agent maybe forgot what is the status of this lead), we only need to change the lead information from the agent interface without need to change the lead status.

Again thanks for your help and appreciate your reply.
