salartelcast wrote:can you send me correct instruction for the installation for vicidial centos7 i'll rebuild the server and install it from there
There are no "correct" instructions for anything outside of Vicibox. That's why Vicibox exists. Everything else is like building your own car: You gotta know what you're doing. Existing instructions in various sites are all useful, but each will only work in a very specific situation, and often only for a short period of time. Adjustments will be required.
That's why Vicibox exists: It creates a server suitable to host a Vicidial installation, with a known-good environment.
That's also why Goautodial used to exist, but it's outdated. You could still try it, although I'm not sure if it's CentOS7 or if the latest installer is even still available. It was never official, but it did actually work. It was just always a full version of Vicidial behind.
salartelcast wrote:How to debug these above sockets can you guide me ?
salartelcast wrote:I have try debug these above sockets and they keep showing me error the directory doesn't exist
I note that you did not show your attempt or the result. Hard to help you with that, aside from the earlier statement that you should run the provided keepalive script and find the commands it executes to start the missing screens. Each one is tailored to the environment you are in, so the keepalive script has the logic to "create" the proper command. Going over the requirements for each one outside that script is possible. Not something I have time for, however.