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Strange issue when multiple callers have the same number

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:30 am
by dominikPL
I observed a strange calling problem, we have configured remote agents for inbound calls. Sometimes the conversation is interrupted and another client jumps in its place. The agent on hook stays on the line but the client changes. I have analyzed this problem and in every case when it happened, it concerned customers who present with the same calleridnumber. (another company makes a lot of calls at the same time). Could that really be the cause? Does any of the applications or scripts in VICIdial use the caleeridnumber to identify the channel?

Version: 2.14b0.5
SVN Version: 3094

Re: Strange issue when multiple callers have the same number

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:39 am
by mflorell
There are a lot of factors here, and you are not including any settings or example logs, so I can't really comment with any specifics, but yes that can be an issue depending on how you have things set up.

Re: Strange issue when multiple callers have the same number

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 2:28 am
by dominikPL
Since the calls are the same number, it is difficult to be sure which call is relevant to which call during reading the logs. Which settings should I show you? Can you please tell me which script or application is based on a number when identifying the call?

Re: Strange issue when multiple callers have the same number

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:24 am
by dominikPL
I found in agi-VDAD_local_optimize.agi
Code: Select all
# find the local channel's real channel
my $stmtA = "SELECT dest_channel FROM $cid_channels_recent where (caller_id_name = '$cid_name' or connected_line_name = '$connected_line_name' or caller_id_name = '$connected_line_name' or connected_line_name = '$cid_name') and ( lin$
my $sthA = $dbhA->prepare($stmtA) or die "preparing: ",$dbhA->errstr;

it's probably causing problems, can you fix it somehow?