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Language by InboundGroup

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:58 pm
by covarrubiasgg
Hello there,

Is there any option to set language by Inbound-group ? I know most of the recordings can be customized by the inbound group, even the music on hold. I want to use the PRESS_CALLBACK_QUEUE but i have an inbound group for Spanish Speakers and other for English Speakers. When using the PRESS_CALLBACK_QUEUE with CID Callback Number Validation , even when I can customize all the recordings in Spanish, the read back of the caller id will be on English.

Is there any way to have the read-back of the caller id in Spanish without changing the language system wide ?

Vicibox 9.0.3 | VERSION: 2.14-808a BUILD: 210406-1821

Re: Language by InboundGroup

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:55 pm
by mflorell
Eight years ago, we wrote an AGI script that allowed for language flexibility configuration: agi-CALLCARD_dial_in.agi

It uses the ability through AGI to set the channel variable for "language" that many of the Asterisk built-in applications use for their built-in prompts.

For example:
Code: Select all
if ($language =~ /es/)
   $AGI->exec("EXEC Set(CHANNEL(language)=$language)");

When working on a more limited project a few years later, we had some issues using this and ended up just using prompts with a "_es.wav" prefix instead of bothering with the language channel variable.

At this point we haven't had any requests to make the In-Group PRESS_CALLBACK_QUEUE feature multi-lingual, I'm sure it's possible, but I haven't spent the time to see what it would take to get it to work on newer versions of Asterisk.