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Script, cmd or quickly change AC-CID numbers (Caller ID)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:27 am
by atkins513
I have about 10 phone numbers, and call multiple states and each areacode triggers a different local phone number depending on the state I am calling. I run a legitimate business but do not want to appear as calling out of state. I purchase each number that I call out from, and receive calls from into my system. My problem is that every few months or so I need to change a phone number that starts to get flagged as a spam call. Each time I change one number, I have to go through each campaign, and edit the phone number in about 20 different places under AC-CID settings for each campaign. Is there a script to make this faster, or a command that can change one caller ID phone number to another in all AC-CID settings system wide?

Thank you.

VERSION: 2.14-634c BUILD: 210421-2110

Re: Script, cmd or quickly change AC-CID numbers (Caller ID)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:33 am
by mflorell
Have you looked at "Admin -> CID Groups", that was designed to basically be shared-campaigns AC-CID.

Re: Script, cmd or quickly change AC-CID numbers (Caller ID)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:37 am
by atkins513
mflorell wrote:Have you looked at "Admin -> CID Groups", that was designed to basically be shared-campaigns AC-CID.

You know, that would at least make it faster system wide I guess. Does it automatically override all campaigns or is there a setting per campaign to allow the over-ride? Because I have one campaign that uses my toll free number only as outgoing and I want it to remain the same. But that would help speed up the process a little other than having a script that could quickly change those numbers from the one I don't want, to the one that I do want. Thank you.

Re: Script, cmd or quickly change AC-CID numbers (Caller ID)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 10:31 am
by atkins513
mflorell wrote:Have you looked at "Admin -> CID Groups", that was designed to basically be shared-campaigns AC-CID.

Actually, I looked that over and see that I can cover entire states with one single entry versus in the campaign I have to enter each and every area code and the number for it to call. That's a huge help because I only have to make 1 entry for the whole state versus 20. That solved my problem because it simplified it so much. Thank you for this.