Copying select in-groups and DID's from one server to anothe

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Copying select in-groups and DID's from one server to anothe

Postby rockgeneral » Tue Jan 18, 2022 6:08 pm

I am moving a campaign and some users from one standalone vicidial server to another.

For the in-groups and the DID's I want to bring over, I was wondering if I could simply export the records in the following tables from the source server:
and then import these records into the destination servers tables.

Will this work or are there other tables related to in-groups and did's that also would need to be copied?
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ViciBox_v9.x86_64-9.0.2.iso | Version: 2.14b0.5 SVN: 3551 | DB Schema Version: 1650 | Asterisk 13.29.2-vici | Single Server
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Re: Copying select in-groups and DID's from one server to an

Postby mflorell » Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:44 am

For in-groups you will want to grab the "vicidial_campaign_stats" and "vicidial_campaign_stats_debug" table values for the in-group as well. Other than that, you should be good on the in-group side.

As for DIDs, you will want to make sure the source "did_id" does not overlap with any existing records on the destination system.
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