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Customer hears music instead of Ringing...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:05 pm
by atkins513
So, I think this should be a pretty simple answer to question, but when I have a customer call in, and then dial an extension for the rep they want to speak to, the call is transferred as it is supposed to be. The customer then shows up in the QUEUE at the bottom of the screen with the INCALLS group showing. The customer at this moment is hearing a sound while waiting for a rep to answer. Currently that tone is horrible, hold music type of tone. How do I change that tone to a ringing sound l like a customer would expect? The hold music sounds like a total sales call vibe and I am trying to remove that. I want it to ring on the customers end as though they are making any normal call. Where is the setting for this specific sound?

I have searched the forums with no luck. Thank you for your help.

My server information for reference:
VERSION: 2.14-634c BUILD: 210421-2110

Re: Customer hears music instead of Ringing...

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 6:06 am
by carpenox
add a new music on hold audio file and change it on the ingroup to the new sound

Re: Customer hears music instead of Ringing...

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 1:32 pm
by martinch
You can change it to any audio file of your choosing. Perhaps some piano music? (my preference).

- Navigate to the Admin page (/vicidial/admin.php)
- Click on the sub heading Admin.
- Click on Audio Store.
- Upload your new audio file using the form NB: the audio file must be in the proper format for Asterisk to play it...namely 16-bit wav, 8khz sample rate and mono. You can use Audacity to do this or sox if you're familiar with that tool.
- Then wait for 1 minute (for the backend to pick up this newly uploaded file.
- Then select the file in your ingroup as the Music On Hold Context by clicking moh chooser (music on hold chooser) and select the newly uploaded file.

You should be good at this point.

Hope that helps,