I've been using vici for a number of years now and its been fine, but recently its reporting 25% or more drop rate which is nonsense even when set to RATIO 1:1 and with agents available.
We use REMOTE agents, not the vici gui but that has always worked just fine. Single Server; a HPDL360G10, 32M, and load averages are 0.06 0.04 0.05. Asterisk 13.34.0-vici.
The issue we see is that the call is reported as status=DROP, term_reason=ABANDON when in fact an agent took the call.
Turning on ALL the asterisk debug I tracked a 'DROP' and find that:
- Code: Select all
11:00:00 Upstream Ring
11:00:06 Upstream ANSWER V0201059590011424779
11:00:06 Agent INVITE -> 8543@
11:00:08 Agent ANSWER/200
11:00:08 Bridge up
11:00:08 RTP Stream start
11:00:13 Agent BYE
11:00:13 RTP Stream end
11:00:13 Bridge Down
11:00:13 Upstream BYE
But for some reason this call is coded as DROP. I even have a call recording, and listening to that it was a live call to an answerphone.
Any help/pointers would be very gratefully received as I'm at a loss right now.
The actual record from vicidial_log
- Code: Select all
`lead_id` = 11424779
`list_id` = 974
`campaign_id` = '74'
`call_date` = '2022-10-20 11:00:06'
`start_epoch` = 1666260006
`end_epoch` = 1666260013
`length_in_sec` = 7
`status` = 'DROP'
`phone_code` = ''
`phone_number` = '01782.......'
`user` = 'VDAD'
`comments` = '0.008'
`processed` = 'N'
`user_group` = NULL
`term_reason` = 'ABANDON'
`alt_dial` = 'NONE'
`called_count` = 1
`uniqueid` = '1666259999.2451'
For completeness, here's the campaign setup:
- Code: Select all
`campaign_id` = '74'
`campaign_name` = 'testtree'
`active` = 'Y'
`dial_status_a` = ''
`dial_status_b` = ''
`dial_status_c` = ''
`dial_status_d` = ''
`dial_status_e` = ''
`lead_order` = 'DOWN'
`park_ext` = ''
`park_file_name` = ''
`web_form_address` = ''
`allow_closers` = 'N'
`hopper_level` = 200
`auto_dial_level` = '1.1'
`next_agent_call` = 'random'
`local_call_time` = '24hours'
`voicemail_ext` = ''
`dial_timeout` = 20
`dial_prefix` = '9'
`campaign_cid` = '0114.......'
`campaign_vdad_exten` = '8368'
`campaign_rec_exten` = '8309'
`campaign_recording` = 'ALLFORCE'
`campaign_rec_filename` = 'FULLDATE-CUSTPHONE-CALLID-AGENT'
`campaign_script` = ''
`get_call_launch` = 'NONE'
`am_message_exten` = 'vm-goodbye'
`amd_send_to_vmx` = 'N'
`xferconf_a_dtmf` = ''
`xferconf_a_number` = ''
`xferconf_b_dtmf` = ''
`xferconf_b_number` = ''
`alt_number_dialing` = 'N'
`scheduled_callbacks` = 'N'
`lead_filter_id` = 'NONE'
`drop_call_seconds` = 0
`drop_action` = 'AUDIO'
`safe_harbor_exten` = '8307'
`display_dialable_count` = 'Y'
`wrapup_seconds` = 0
`wrapup_message` = 'Wrapup Call'
`closer_campaigns` = NULL
`use_internal_dnc` = 'N'
`allcalls_delay` = 0
`omit_phone_code` = 'N'
`dial_method` = 'RATIO'
`available_only_ratio_tally` = 'Y'
`adaptive_dropped_percentage` = '2.9'
`adaptive_maximum_level` = '4'
`adaptive_latest_server_time` = '1900'
`adaptive_intensity` = '0'
`adaptive_dl_diff_target` = 1
`concurrent_transfers` = 'AUTO'
`auto_alt_dial` = 'NONE'
`auto_alt_dial_statuses` = ' B N NA DC -'
`agent_pause_codes_active` = 'N'
`campaign_description` = 'Home Care'
`campaign_changedate` = '2022-10-20 09:53:02'
`campaign_stats_refresh` = 'N'
`campaign_logindate` = '2022-10-20 11:23:25'
`dial_statuses` = ' NEW -'
`disable_alter_custdata` = 'N'
`no_hopper_leads_logins` = 'N'
`list_order_mix` = 'DISABLED'
`campaign_allow_inbound` = 'N'
`manual_dial_list_id` = 998
`default_xfer_group` = '---NONE---'
`xfer_groups` = ''
`queue_priority` = 50
`drop_inbound_group` = '---NONE---'
`qc_enabled` = 'N'
`qc_statuses` = NULL
`qc_lists` = NULL
`qc_shift_id` = '24HRMIDNIGHT'
`qc_get_record_launch` = 'NONE'
`qc_show_recording` = 'Y'
`qc_web_form_address` = NULL
`qc_script` = NULL
`survey_first_audio_file` = 'US_pol_survey_hello'
`survey_dtmf_digits` = '1238'
`survey_ni_digit` = '8'
`survey_opt_in_audio_file` = 'US_pol_survey_transfer'
`survey_ni_audio_file` = 'US_thanks_no_contact'
`survey_method` = 'AGENT_XFER'
`survey_no_response_action` = 'OPTIN'
`survey_ni_status` = 'NI'
`survey_response_digit_map` = '1-DEMOCRAT|2-REPUBLICAN|3-INDEPENDANT|8-OPTOUT|X-NO RESPONSE|'
`survey_xfer_exten` = '8300'
`survey_camp_record_dir` = '/home/survey'
`disable_alter_custphone` = 'Y'
`display_queue_count` = 'Y'
`manual_dial_filter` = 'NONE'
`agent_clipboard_copy` = 'NONE'
`agent_extended_alt_dial` = 'N'
`use_campaign_dnc` = 'N'
`three_way_call_cid` = 'CAMPAIGN'
`three_way_dial_prefix` = ''
`web_form_target` = 'vdcwebform'
`vtiger_search_category` = 'LEAD'
`vtiger_create_call_record` = 'Y'
`vtiger_create_lead_record` = 'Y'
`vtiger_screen_login` = 'Y'
`cpd_amd_action` = 'DISABLED'
`agent_allow_group_alias` = 'N'
`default_group_alias` = ''
`vtiger_search_dead` = 'ASK'
`vtiger_status_call` = 'N'
`survey_third_digit` = ''
`survey_third_audio_file` = 'US_thanks_no_contact'
`survey_third_status` = 'NI'
`survey_third_exten` = '8300'
`survey_fourth_digit` = ''
`survey_fourth_audio_file` = 'US_thanks_no_contact'
`survey_fourth_status` = 'NI'
`survey_fourth_exten` = '8300'
`drop_lockout_time` = '0'
`quick_transfer_button` = 'N'
`prepopulate_transfer_preset` = 'N'
`drop_rate_group` = 'DISABLED'
`view_calls_in_queue` = 'NONE'
`view_calls_in_queue_launch` = 'MANUAL'
`grab_calls_in_queue` = 'N'
`call_requeue_button` = 'N'
`pause_after_each_call` = 'N'
`no_hopper_dialing` = 'N'
`agent_dial_owner_only` = 'NONE'
`agent_display_dialable_leads` = 'N'
`web_form_address_two` = ''
`waitforsilence_options` = ''
`agent_select_territories` = 'N'
`campaign_calldate` = '2022-10-20 11:23:25'
`crm_popup_login` = 'N'
`crm_login_address` = ''
`timer_action` = 'NONE'
`timer_action_message` = ''
`timer_action_seconds` = 1
`start_call_url` = ''
`dispo_call_url` = ''
`xferconf_c_number` = ''
`xferconf_d_number` = ''
`xferconf_e_number` = ''
`use_custom_cid` = 'N'
`scheduled_callbacks_alert` = 'NONE'
`queuemetrics_callstatus_override` = 'DISABLED'
`extension_appended_cidname` = 'N'
`scheduled_callbacks_count` = 'ALL_ACTIVE'
`manual_dial_override` = 'NONE'
`blind_monitor_warning` = 'DISABLED'
`blind_monitor_message` = 'Someone is blind monitoring your session'
`blind_monitor_filename` = ''
`inbound_queue_no_dial` = 'DISABLED'
`timer_action_destination` = ''
`enable_xfer_presets` = 'DISABLED'
`hide_xfer_number_to_dial` = 'DISABLED'
`manual_dial_prefix` = ''
`customer_3way_hangup_logging` = 'ENABLED'
`customer_3way_hangup_seconds` = 5
`customer_3way_hangup_action` = 'NONE'
`ivr_park_call` = 'DISABLED'
`ivr_park_call_agi` = ''
`manual_preview_dial` = 'PREVIEW_AND_SKIP'
`realtime_agent_time_stats` = 'CALLS_WAIT_CUST_ACW_PAUSE'
`use_auto_hopper` = 'Y'
`auto_hopper_multi` = '1'
`auto_hopper_level` = 9
`auto_trim_hopper` = 'Y'
`api_manual_dial` = 'STANDARD'
`manual_dial_call_time_check` = 'DISABLED'
`display_leads_count` = 'N'
`lead_order_randomize` = 'N'
`lead_order_secondary` = 'LEAD_ASCEND'
`per_call_notes` = 'DISABLED'
`my_callback_option` = 'UNCHECKED'
`agent_lead_search` = 'DISABLED'
`agent_lead_search_method` = 'CAMPLISTS_ALL'
`queuemetrics_phone_environment` = ''
`auto_pause_precall` = 'N'
`auto_pause_precall_code` = 'PRECAL'
`auto_resume_precall` = 'N'
`manual_dial_cid` = 'CAMPAIGN'
`post_phone_time_diff_alert` = 'DISABLED'
`custom_3way_button_transfer` = 'DISABLED'
`available_only_tally_threshold` = 'WAITING_AGENTS'
`available_only_tally_threshold_agents` = 1
`dial_level_threshold` = 'DISABLED'
`dial_level_threshold_agents` = 1
`safe_harbor_audio` = 'buzz'
`safe_harbor_menu_id` = ''
`survey_menu_id` = ''
`callback_days_limit` = 0
`dl_diff_target_method` = 'ADAPT_CALC_ONLY'
`disable_dispo_screen` = 'DISPO_DISABLED'
`disable_dispo_status` = ''
`screen_labels` = '--SYSTEM-SETTINGS--'
`status_display_fields` = 'CALLID'
`na_call_url` = ''
`survey_recording` = 'N'
`pllb_grouping` = 'DISABLED'
`pllb_grouping_limit` = 50
`call_count_limit` = 0
`call_count_target` = 3
`callback_hours_block` = 0
`callback_list_calltime` = 'DISABLED'
`user_group` = '---ALL---'
`hopper_vlc_dup_check` = 'N'
`in_group_dial` = 'DISABLED'
`in_group_dial_select` = 'CAMPAIGN_SELECTED'
`safe_harbor_audio_field` = 'DISABLED'
`pause_after_next_call` = 'DISABLED'
`owner_populate` = 'DISABLED'
`use_other_campaign_dnc` = ''
`allow_emails` = 'N'
`amd_inbound_group` = '---NONE---'
`amd_callmenu` = '---NONE---'
`survey_wait_sec` = 10
`manual_dial_lead_id` = 'N'
`dead_max` = 0
`dead_max_dispo` = 'DCMX'
`dispo_max` = 0
`dispo_max_dispo` = 'DISMX'
`pause_max` = 0
`max_inbound_calls` = 0
`manual_dial_search_checkbox` = 'SELECTED'
`hide_call_log_info` = 'N'
`timer_alt_seconds` = 0
`wrapup_bypass` = 'ENABLED'
`wrapup_after_hotkey` = 'DISABLED'
`callback_active_limit` = 0
`callback_active_limit_override` = 'N'
`allow_chats` = 'N'
`comments_all_tabs` = 'DISABLED'
`comments_dispo_screen` = 'DISABLED'
`comments_callback_screen` = 'DISABLED'
`qc_comment_history` = 'CLICK'
`show_previous_callback` = 'ENABLED'
`clear_script` = 'DISABLED'
`cpd_unknown_action` = 'DISABLED'
`manual_dial_search_filter` = 'NONE'
`web_form_address_three` = ''
`manual_dial_override_field` = 'ENABLED'
`status_display_ingroup` = 'ENABLED'
`customer_gone_seconds` = 30
`agent_display_fields` = ''
`am_message_wildcards` = 'N'
`manual_dial_timeout` = ''
`routing_initiated_recordings` = 'Y'
`manual_dial_hopper_check` = 'N'
`callback_useronly_move_minutes` = 0
`ofcom_uk_drop_calc` = 'N'
`manual_auto_next` = 0
`manual_auto_show` = 'N'
`allow_required_fields` = 'N'
`dead_to_dispo` = 'DISABLED'
`agent_xfer_validation` = 'N'
`ready_max_logout` = 0
`callback_display_days` = 0
`three_way_record_stop` = 'N'
`hangup_xfer_record_start` = 'N'
`scheduled_callbacks_email_alert` = 'N'
`max_inbound_calls_outcome` = 'DEFAULT'
`manual_auto_next_options` = 'DEFAULT'
`agent_screen_time_display` = 'DISABLED'
`next_dial_my_callbacks` = 'DISABLED'
`inbound_no_agents_no_dial_container` = ''
`inbound_no_agents_no_dial_threshold` = 0
`cid_group_id` = '---DISABLED---'
`pause_max_dispo` = 'PAUSMX'
`script_top_dispo` = 'N'
`dead_trigger_seconds` = 0
`dead_trigger_action` = 'DISABLED'
`dead_trigger_repeat` = 'NO'
`dead_trigger_filename` = ''
`dead_trigger_url` = ''
`scheduled_callbacks_force_dial` = 'N'
`scheduled_callbacks_auto_reschedule` = 'DISABLED'
`scheduled_callbacks_timezones_container` = 'DISABLED'
`three_way_volume_buttons` = 'ENABLED'
`callback_dnc` = 'DISABLED'
`manual_dial_validation` = 'N'
`mute_recordings` = 'N'
`auto_active_list_new` = 'DISABLED'
`call_quota_lead_ranking` = 'DISABLED'
`call_quota_process_running` = 0
`call_quota_last_run_date` = NULL
`sip_event_logging` = 'DISABLED'
`campaign_script_two` = ''
`leave_vm_no_dispo` = 'DISABLED'
`leave_vm_message_group_id` = '---NONE---'
`dial_timeout_lead_container` = 'DISABLED'
`amd_type` = 'AMD'
`vmm_daily_limit` = 0
`opensips_cid_name` = ''
`amd_agent_route_options` = 'DISABLED'
`browser_alert_sound` = '---NONE---'
`browser_alert_volume` = 50
`three_way_record_stop_exception` = 'DISABLED'