by J3A-G0n3 » Fri Dec 30, 2022 2:43 pm
Version: 2.14b0.5
SVN Version: 3638
DB Schema Version: 1666
Asterisk PBX 13.38.2-vici
No digium hardware, this is essentially VPS/ Virtual Machine... Not a Cluster is a simple installation with asterisk, opensuse and mariadb on same VM (I install via vicidial-express iso).
So I upgraded from old VM with ViciDial 8 to new VM with Vicidial 10 iso... I ran the IP update script, and I manually imported the tables into the new asterisk database. After finalizing all of the tables everything seems to work like the previous version / I check that no new fields were added in the tables I uploaded into the new schema YET it seems that the leads are not showing in the admin/backend/GUI or populating on the campaigns. The vicidial_list table on the database asterisk shows all of the leads with the correct list_id = campaign id but leads not showing in the admin GUI. I am not sure if there is a script I need to run to show in the front, I search the forum but not seeing a similar issue with anyone. On the Audio Store I had to run /usr/share/astguiclient/ --upload for it to sync and show the audio in the GUI, having said that the audio was accessible and working on the IVR without running the perl script. Is there a similar script I must run for the leads to sync from DB to Vicidial GUI?
In other words, I am updating the leads from database -> front, and while I read in the forum about uploading leads via /usr/share/astguiclient/LEADS_IN &&\ in my case the leads are already in the DB so uploading via this method simply will create duplicates.