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server specs

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:55 pm
by hotdog0627
Which one would be a better an asterisk server (split server scenario)?

xeon 3.2 Ghz 2mb level 2 cache or
xeon 3.6 Ghz 1mb level 2 cache

what would make the difference in a server doing full time recording and placing a lot of calls, higher ghz or higher level 2 cache?


PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:45 pm
by mflorell
I'm really not sure, and MHz isn't as big of an indicator as the architecture of the chipset, for instance, an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHZ with 4MB cache would be better than both of the systems you listed here.

I would go with the higher cache, because it is probably a newer processor, and cache is important to Asterisk performance in high-load scenarios.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:40 pm
by hotdog0627
its an 800 fsb single core xeon.

are they better than P4 Dual Core 2mb cache 3.4Ghz CPUs (just as asterisk server, no apache nor mysql)?

Are single core cpus better than dual cores for an asterisk server?

On an all VoIP implementation, what would eat more CPU load?:

(sipdevice to asterisk is g729, asterisk to VoIP gateway uLaw)
1. recording to WAV format
2. recording to gsm format

or (sipdevice to asterisk is g729, asterisk to VoIP gateway g729)
1. recording to WAV format
2. recording to gsm format