Hi guys,
We have a handful of users that are just set up as standard SIP phones. They are looking for some reporting on calls coming to these phones. I'm aware that they will never work with all of the standard reports but just wanted to reach out and see what was possible with some change of settings from those with a bit deeper knowledge of Vici.
For example:
We can see that on the Admin > Phones > Stats page we can see outbound calls but not inbound, is there a way to have these show there?
Can we change the phone context (i.e to defaultlog) to have extra logging show somewhere.
Can we add in the call log AGI to a dialplan for inbound calls or similar.
Is there somewhere in the database it is recorded (or could be) apart from the call_log table.
I realise that options are probably limited, but just want to see what is available.
Thanks in advance.