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PHP Time Match issue

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:16 pm
by vipin

I am using 3 Asterisk server and 1 Master DB, 1 Slave DB, 1 Web server. time synchronization done for all, but PHP server time is behind 34 Sec. from other, i tried multiple times but not showing correct in Reports tab, due to this my inbound calls and agent login is starting form 34 Sec. instead of 0 sec. kindly help me out.

VICIBOX 8 | VERSION: 2.4-334a | BUILD: 110831-2038 | Asterisk 13.38.3-vici | DEll Dedicated 16 GB | No Extra Software After Installation

Y 321 - 30% 102 11% 2023-06-12 13:53:46
Y 190 - 23% 166 12% 2023-06-12 13:53:47
Y 12 - 1% 91 11% 2023-06-12 13:53:47
Y 36 - 1% 34 6% 2023-06-12 13:53:46
PHP Time 2023-06-1213:54:20
DB Time 2023-06-12 13:53:47

Re: PHP Time Match issue

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 4:43 pm
by martinch
Oh hey vipin, welcome.

Are you using NTP in your setup at all? Perhaps on your web server?

If so, are all your servers using NTP? If none are, have you tried synchronizing the clocks manually by hand?

Hope this helps,

Re: PHP Time Match issue

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:19 pm
by carpenox
Using a system from 2011, what's keeping you from upgrading? Give your system a present for it's 12 year anniversary ;)


Re: PHP Time Match issue

PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 2:25 pm
by martinch
carpenox wrote:Using a system from 2011, what's keeping you from upgrading? Give your system a present for it's 12 year anniversary ;)


lol +1

I sorta get the reasons to hold onto old stuff though...I spin my Alice in Chains CDs lol I can't move past grunge. I don't blame someone for sticking with Asterisk 1.4...the release was as solid as a rock and rarely failed...that said...mcargile stated the other day in #asterisk and you Chris have stated, ViCi runs on vanilla Asterisk 18 now...with no problems so far so there's very little reason to stick to 1.4 other than nostalgia or familiarity. But yeah, time issues throw ViCi off track and you need to fix that or the system will act funky.