[SOLVED] Hopper isn't loading on campaign that was working

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[SOLVED] Hopper isn't loading on campaign that was working

Postby bronson » Sat Jul 15, 2023 5:28 pm


I'm having an issue on my campaign where my hopper is no longer loading. The campaign was running fine up until I updated the list.

Here are the steps I took before the issue arised.

- I cleared the leads list using "Clear This List".
- Then I copied the custom fields from another list using "Replace" all fields.
- Then I reuploaded the leads from the list.

There were no errors in uploading the list. It is the same data as the previous list but now the hopper does not fill.

Here are the campaign settings which are set exactly as they were set before the list changes:

Minimum Hopper Level: 10
Automatic Hopper Level: Y
Automatic Hopper Multiplier: 1
Auto Trim Hopper: Y
Hopper VLC Dup Check: N
Manual Dial Hopper Check: Y
Force Reset of Hopper: Y

The campaign call time is set to 24 hours.

The other campaign (PROSPECT) which I copied the list custom fields from has no issues. The hopper is loading just fine on that campaign.

I've tried resetting the hopper from the campaign admin side.

I've also force reset the hopper on the server side.

Here's the debug
Code: Select all
vicidial:~ # perl /usr/share/astguiclient/AST_VDhopper.pl --debug

----- DEBUG -----

TIME DEBUG: -5.00|-4|1|   GMT: 22:22
SELECT list_id FROM vicidial_lists where ( (active='N') or ( (active='Y') and (expiration_date < "2023-07-15") ) );Inactive Lists:  16
Inactive and Expired List Leads Deleted:  0E0 |DELETE from vicidial_hopper where list_id IN('999','998','101','201','401','501','601','701','102','302','303','997','103','104','304','12345') and source!='C';|
CALLBACK HOLD: 0|SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_callbacks where callback_time <= '2023-07-15 18:22:51' and status IN('ACTIVE','TFHCCL') ;|
     hopper DNC count:   0
---------------Auto Hopper Level Enabled For TEST---------------------
Number of Agents = 0
Number of Paused Agents = 0
Auto Dial Level = 1
Dial Timeout = 60
Dial Timeout Multiplier = 1
Auto Hopper Multipier = 1
Minimum Hopper Level = 10
Auto Hopper Level Adjustment = 0
Final Hopper Level = 10

---------------Auto Trim Hopper Enabled For TEST---------------------
Leads in Hopper for this Campaign = 0
Hopper Level for this Campaign = 10

---------------Auto Hopper Level Enabled For PROSPECT---------------------
Number of Agents = 0
Number of Paused Agents = 0
Auto Dial Level = 1
Dial Timeout = 35
Dial Timeout Multiplier = 1.71428571428571
Auto Hopper Multipier = 1
Minimum Hopper Level = 20
Auto Hopper Level Adjustment = 0
Final Hopper Level = 20

---------------Auto Trim Hopper Enabled For PROSPECT---------------------
Leads in Hopper for this Campaign = 38
Hopper Level for this Campaign = 20

Nothing seems to work.

Any ideas how to diagnose and resolve please?

*Edit: strange update. If I do a manual dial of any of those numbers the calls do not connect, the dialer instantly terminates the call. I checked and those numbers are not listed on our internal DNC list either.
*Edit2: I deleted the phone numbers from the DNC and got the message "DNC NOT DELETED - This phone number is not in the Do Not Call List" for each of those numbers on the list. Now I can manually dial them but the hopper still does not add them.
*Edit3: I tested a different list in the same campaign and leads were added to the hopper so it appears that it has something to do with the phone numbers in the other list.
*Edit 4: it appears that any new leads uploaded will not be added to the hopper but existing leads can.

Does anyone have any clues? Where do I begin to investigate? Thank you.


I turned off International DNC in the System Settings and also uploaded the list as a text file instead of csv. I'm not sure which of those resolved the issue but the hopper is now loading.
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Re: [SOLVED] Hopper isn't loading on campaign that was worki

Postby carpenox » Mon Jul 24, 2023 8:02 pm

It was international dnc
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Re: [SOLVED] Hopper isn't loading on campaign that was worki

Postby bronson » Wed Jul 26, 2023 9:27 am

carpenox wrote:It was international dnc

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