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Check for call running, please wait: 1

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 1:09 pm
by zenithbsolutions

We are getting
Check for call running, please wait: 1
error on freshly installed Vicidial setup through Vicibox-11.0.1

VERSION: 2.14-905a
BUILD: 231227-2217
© 2023 ViciDial Group

This is happening frequently to all agents. The setup is done on a Local Server and the calls are routed through GSM Gateway with 1 to 1 inbound or outbound (Manul dial) call on webphone.
As the setup is done in LAN there's no network issue and the database is also less (approx. 30K)as they dial manually,

We checked the CPU and Memory Stats but no issues are found.

Kindly help or guide us on how to fix the issue.

Thank You.

Re: Check for call running, please wait: 1

PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:17 am
by njr
Are you, perhaps, auto-pausing after each call? As far as I know, which isn't as much as others no doubt, this will only happen when trying to go to a paused state from an active state. When I set up my current cluster, same version as you, we initially saw this when auto-pausing agents. I don't recall doing anything to "fix" it other than not auto-pausing. It does still pop up occasionally if an agent pauses themselves, but not enough to where I hear about it anymore.

If it's not that, then I assume there has to be some sort of latency somewhere whether it's in the DB or the processing scripts, etc. Any more debug output you can share? Do you have other similar setups where this doesn't happen? What exactly is the agent doing when it appears?

If it's helpful (maybe you can log some info, or maybe this isn't helpful at all) the message comes from function AutoDial_ReSume_PauSe in vicidial.php although the CFAI_sent variable on which it seems to hinge I'm pretty sure comes from function check_for_auto_incoming().

Re: Check for call running, please wait: 1

PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2024 4:39 pm
by williamconley
This is not an error. It's a notice.