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Problem relating to Overlaping of calls and List Loading

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 5:23 pm
by saqibali
i am using
aserisk 1.2.18
astguiclient 2.0.2

> some time its happens that the two agents login with different username got the same call at a time . it could be the reason that the same conference id or the session id generated for both but i checked that too a different session id was given to both of the agents and both of them are in same call.

> The second problem is with list loading as whenever i load the list 5-10% of the lists are unsucessfull e.g if total leads in a list are 1000 then on the list ----> Add new leads screen it will show that 999 leads are successfull and bad = 1 but when i add a list the total leads i got in that list are between 800-850 . and this difference increases when there are more leads in a list.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:36 pm
by ramindia
> some time its happens that the two agents login with different username got the same call at a time . it could be the reason that the same conference id or the session id generated for both but i checked that too a different session id was given to both of the agents and both of them are in same call.

For this you can set for the User IP address, so that user can only login from that work station, so you can avoide duplicate logins.

> The second problem is with list loading as whenever i load the list 5-10% of the lists are unsucessfull e.g if total leads in a list are 1000 then on the list ----> Add new leads screen it will show that 999 leads are successfull and bad = 1 but when i add a list the total leads i got in that list are between 800-850 . and this difference increases when there are more leads in a list.

this can be due to some kind of space or wrong entry or format.

people here tested loading more than million, kindly recheck the lead file.


PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:47 pm
by saqibali
As we are using DHCP so it is hard to set specific ip address

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 1:19 am
by ramindia

most of the DHCP Servers has option
same IP allocation for the specifid MAC Address


PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 12:13 pm
by saqibali
i am still having problem in loading the leads

the format i am using is

Lead Id Entry_Date Modify_date Status User Vender_lead_code Souce_ID List_ID Gmt_offset_now calles_since_last_reset phone_code phone_number Title First_name Middle_initial Last_name Address_1 Address_2 Address_3 City State Province Postal_Code Country_Code Gender Date_of_Birth Alt_Phone email Security_Phrase Comments Called_Count
2007 20/09/2007 NEW TESTCA 3654 1 7093683912 F LINEHAN 7 THIRD ST MOUNT PEARL NL A1N2A4
2007 20/09/2007 NEW TESTCA 3654 1 7097531464 ERIN MATTHEWS 64 CROSBIE RD ST. JOHN'S NL A1B4A8

i am using the super lead loader for that and file to be loaded is in .csv format .

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:10 pm
by saqibali
i try with the script instead of webbased loader it works fine . thankzz

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 11:02 pm
by ramindia
Vendor Lead Code Source Code List ID Phone Code Phone Number Title First Name Middle Initial Last Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3 City State - limited to 2 characters Province Postal Code Country Gender Date of Birth Alternate Phone Number Email Address Security Phrase Comments

this order is working for me

you can try this in XLS


PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:28 pm
by saqibali
Vender_lead_code Souce_ID List_ID phone_code phone_number Title First_name Middle_initial Last_name Address_1 Address_2 Address_3 City State Province Postal_Code Country_Code Gender Date_of_Birth Alt_Phone email Security_Phrase Comments Called_Count

as i used this pattern and save file in CSV(comma delimated) and try to load the leads from the web page but still having the same problem .

PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:21 am
by ramindia

the formant which i gave is XL format
save that as XL and Upload
and try to load lead, when you Submit, you get any error

send the screen shot


PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:23 am
by ramindia

the formant which i gave is XL format
save that as XL and Upload
and try to load lead, when you Submit, you get any error

send the screen shot
