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VICI Broke after changing IP Address

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:48 am
by artimus
I wish I was the before I changed the ip address, but it is too late now.

I had a working vici installation on slack12. Everything was running smoothly. Now I put the server on the production network and changed the ip. I got asterisk and all my trunks to the pbx working. But I noticed vici is just not working.

Heres what I did to remedy the problem. I got a lot further from when I started, but I am left at a point where there is noone in my session.

1. Changed the ip in inet1.conf
2. dumped mysql. did a search and replace to put the new ip in. reloaded the database with the new ip.
3. modified /etc/astguiclient.conf to use the new hostname.

Screen is dying and not much is working at this point.

4. Ran all crons manually.. Which helped my find that i need the IP in astguiclient.conf rather then the hostname.

5. the stuff in apache is using localhost, so there is no issue there.

No I am getting noone is in my session.

My list is active
my phone is active
my campaign is active.
This campaign has 1 active lists and 0 inactive lists
This campaign has 82 leads to be dialed in those lists
This campaign has 6 leads in the dial hopper

Now im stuck!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:28 am
by ramindia

check below things in database, apart from astgui conf.
and check again for the new IP changed or not



PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:07 am
by devafree

you can also use the script for IP change provided in /usr/shar/astguiclient/

there are threads on this also in the forum.

eg of one such thread at ... teserverip

