anybody helpme

can anybody helpme ??
i have installed vicidial 2.0.3 and asterisk 1.2.17 like say the scratch install
the difference is that i installed it on centos 4.4..
well when i put the compaign on manual dial it works fine , very well
but when i put it on ratio (autodial) it doesnt work , it call the customer but when it answer the call it hangup automatically and i dont receive the live call on my screen..
asterisk doesnt show error messages all work fine less this problem
does anybody know whats happening???????
can anybody helpme ??
i have installed vicidial 2.0.3 and asterisk 1.2.17 like say the scratch install
the difference is that i installed it on centos 4.4..
well when i put the compaign on manual dial it works fine , very well
but when i put it on ratio (autodial) it doesnt work , it call the customer but when it answer the call it hangup automatically and i dont receive the live call on my screen..
asterisk doesnt show error messages all work fine less this problem
does anybody know whats happening???????