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Having Proble With VICI

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:42 am
by Hariharan
Hi Matt

Iam using Vicidialer 1.411.
With the ability of 15
Intel dual core 3gh 2gb ram 160gb hardisk

linux Elastix with vicidialer
currently having problem when loging into vicidial.php
there are no session available if you want i can give my ip address so that you can find it your self

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:48 am
by ramindia

there is not version called "Iam using Vicidialer 1.411."

Vicidial stabled version 2.0.3,

If you are using "Elastix" , its same like TrixBox.

you need to be very carefull in settings.

as mentioned "".

i recomend to install Vicidial by following scratch_install and its stabled.
