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to all

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 4:58 pm
by eliasferreyra
Hello all can anybody helpme

im using vicidial 2.0.3
with asterisk 1.2.17
and mysql

and im having the following problem

im dialing on sip trunk and when the agent login the asterisk start to dial and it make calls and when the customer answer the call it hangup automatically and the vicidial doesnt send the live call screen.

but when i use iax trunk it works fine

help please

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:20 pm
by Op3r

please use the appropriate title for all your post. It always looks like a spam message.

post your asterisk cli.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:29 pm
by ramindia

i recomend you to check with Trunk provider
what kind of peer he is doing

Does the provider offer you IAX peer of SIP peer

with out Vicidial, when you dial from X-lite

did you able to make calls using SIP and IAX Trunk ?



PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:46 am
by eliasferreyra
yes ram when i dial from asterisk using xlite it connect fine
it works fine
the probble is with vicidial. with vicidial is connect too but when the customer answer the call it hang up automatically and dial again and hagup again and again and again , but never see the live call

Instead of sendme the live call it hangup and dial again

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:00 am
by ramindia

Kindly post the related call logs from Asterisk asterisk

and send the setup information

VICI Version
asterisk verison
Codec (Server and client Side)

what kind of client, SIP or IAX
soft or hard phone ?



PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:52 am
by eliasferreyra
ok ram look my config

im using centos 4.4
upgraded at 4.5

asterisk 1.2.17
vicidial 2.0.3
codec g729
and ulaw

and im using softphone as client sip xten eyebeam

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 10:01 am
by ramindia
Kindly post the related call logs from Asterisk cli
