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Please Help Configuration Issues

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:08 pm
by amicheals

Firstly, Thank you to the creators and the people who have contributed to this product. It is truly a great product. Thank you.

I am having some configuration issues with vicidial and asterisk.

I am using Centos 5
Vicidial and asterisk per the easy install.

I followed the easy install step by step.

When I try to make a manual call astguiclient, My softphone rings but then hangs up. On the asterisk cli it says no channel named 'zap' and it also says meetme module not loaded.

I am using binfone's service. I connect to binfone via iax and I connect the softphone (xlite) to my asterisk box via sip.
Now my softphone rings when i try to make a manual outgoing call but hangs up.
1st. How do I configure Asterisk to dial out. It seems like it is trying to dial out via zap trunks (which I don't have.)
Also, asterisk is saying I don't have any channels active (how do I change this )

My cron works with no errors.
MySql is running
I can dial out manually from my softphone (without using vicidial)

I think this is a config error from asterisk but I don't know how to fix it. I am very new to asterisk and vicidial. Honestly, I still trying to grasp the concept of it all.

Thanks for any help.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:55 pm
by Michael_N
Well i did follow the easyinstall for centos, and i did not manage to get a working system.

But i did when following scratch install for slackware or scratch install for debian. So i would recomend you to do that ... LL_DEB.txt

Just keep in mind that debian install is for verision 2.0.3

But you can follow the debian install until Phase 4 wich is asterisk install, from that part you follow slackware scratch install

What is your timming source? do you have zaptel card?

If not then you can-t use meetme.

And also remove unessary stuff from sip.conf, iax.conf and extension.conf

And when you feel it is to much contact a consultat