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Firefox hangs after logging in

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:38 am
by youness
Hi there,

Please I need your help ! I installed vicidial 2.0.3 on FC6, evrything is fine but after logging in to the agent web interface, the navigator hangs. I'm using Firefox. I don't have any pstn line attached (No zap lines) but I did install zaptel drivers for the clocking (ztdummy, I read it somewhere) I'm using just SIP. So after logging in to the agent web interface, my xlite phone rings, I answer, It says: You are currently the only person in this conference, then Firefox hangs and it seems to run forever without showing anything.

Help me please !

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:14 am
by Op3r
check your computer?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:18 am
by youness
everything in my client computer is fine ! Let me tell you that sometimes after hanging a lot of time, it's the source code that appears !! I tried it in ie, same thing ! help please !

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:00 am
by enjay
This is a first for me. source code for what appears? The HTML?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:19 pm
by youness
I don't know what to do now, evrything seems to go fine but as I said before the navigator hangs. This is the code that appears :

Any idea please ?!

----------------------- Code trunkated --------------------------
Code: Select all
var MTvar; var NOW_TIME = '2008-01-14 17:36:11'; var SQLdate = '2008-01-14 17:36:11'; var StarTtimE = '1200328571'; var UnixTime = '1200328571'; var UnixTimeMS = 0; var t = new Date(); var c = new Date(); LCAe = new Array('','','','','',''); LCAc = new Array('','','','','',''); LCAt = new Array('','','','','',''); LMAe = new Array('','','','','',''); var CalL_XC_a_Dtmf = ''; var CalL_XC_a_NuMber = ''; var CalL_XC_b_Dtmf = ''; var CalL_XC_b_NuMber = ''; var VU_hotkeys_active = '0'; var VU_agent_choose_ingroups = '1'; var VU_agent_choose_ingroups_DV = ''; var CallBackDatETimE = ''; var CallBackrecipient = ''; var CallBackCommenTs = ''; var scheduled_callbacks = ''; var dispo_check_all_pause = '0'; var agent_pause_codes_active = 'N'; VARpause_codes = new Array(); VARpause_code_names = new Array(); var VD_pause_codes_ct = ''; VARstatuses = new Array(); VARstatusnames = new Array(); var VD_statuses_ct = '0'; VARingroups = new Array(''); var INgroupCOUNT = ''; VARxfergroups = new Array(); VARxfergroupsnames = new Array(); var XFgroupCOUNT = '0'; var default_xfer_group = '---NONE---'; var default_xfer_group_name = ''; var LIVE_default_xfer_group = '---NONE---'; var HK_statuses_camp = '0'; HKhotkeys = new Array(); HKstatuses = new Array(); HKstatusnames = new Array(); var hotkeys = new Array(); var HKdispo_display = 0; var HKbutton_allowed = 1; var HKfinish = 0; var scriptnames = new Array(); var scripttexts = new Array(); var decoded = ''; var view_scripts = '1'; var LOGfullname = 'Test Agent'; var recLIST = ''; var filename = ''; var last_filename = ''; var LCAcount = 0; var LMAcount = 0; var filedate = '20080114-173611'; var agcDIR = 'h t t p192.168.3.222/agc/'; var agcPAGE = 'h t t p192.168.3.222/agc/vicidial.php'; var extension = 'gs102'; var extension_xfer = 'gs102'; var dialplan_number = '102'; var ext_context = 'default'; var protocol = 'SIP'; var agentchannel = ''; var local_gmt ='-5'; var server_ip = ''; var server_ip_dialstring = '192*168*003*222*'; var asterisk_version = '1.2.17'; var refresh_interval = 1000; var session_id = '8600051'; var VICIDiaL_closer_login_checked = 0; var VICIDiaL_closer_login_selected = 0; var VICIDiaL_pause_calling = 1; var CalLCID = ''; var MDnextCID = ''; var XDnextCID = ''; var LasTCID = ''; var lead_dial_number = ''; var MD_channel_look = 0; var XD_channel_look = 0; var MDuniqueid = ''; var MDchannel = ''; var MD_ring_secondS = 0; var MDlogEPOCH = 0; var VD_live_customer_call = 0; var VD_live_call_secondS = 0; var XD_live_customer_call = 0; var XD_live_call_secondS = 0; var open_dispo_screen = 0; var AgentDispoing = 0; var logout_stop_timeouts = 0; var VICIDiaL_allow_closers = '1'; var VICIDiaL_closer_blended = '0'; var VU_closer_default_blended = '0'; var VDstop_rec_after_each_call = '1'; var phone_login = 'gs102'; var phone_pass = 'test'; var user = '7777'; var user_abb = '7777'; var pass = 'test'; var campaign = 'TESTCAMP'; var group = 'TESTCAMP';

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:20 pm
by Op3r
You are the only person who got that same problem so probably you have a problem with your own computer.

have you really checked it on another computer? Did you follow the scratch install?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:04 pm
by youness
Thnx for your reply. Yes, I followed the scrtach install and I did try it in another machine, but same problem ?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:07 pm
by enjay
Do you have any microsoft global security policy that can be causing this?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:18 pm
by youness
HI there,

No, there is no global security policy, and the microsoft firewall is off.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:57 pm
by youness
Hi there,

I just want you to notice that I downloaded vicidialnow and installed it. And after changing the ip address, I followed the instructions to create a new campaign and users, everything seems to go fine, but when I log in to the agent interface, it's the same problem that happens, my xlite phone rings and says You are currently the only person in this conference, then my navigator hangs, and after a very long time waiting, the source code appears. (I don't have any pstn line attached, I want to use only SIP. As you can see, I installed it two different ways, but the same results.)

Any help pleaaaaaaaaase !

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:30 pm
by gardo
Try using a different web browser like Opera, Konqueror or Safari (Mac).

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:08 am
by youness
Thnx for your answers, I already tried it in many web browsers, but in vain. I will reinstall the whole stuff (Linux + Asterisk + Vicidial) from scratch, and I will see ! I'll let you know about the results.

Thank you.