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Do not call clients at lunch. Multipule state call defs?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:10 pm
by thedonvaughn

My Sales deptarment, using an outbound vicidialer environment, wants to be able to not call states during normal "lunch hours". Unfortunately, the state call definitions only allow one standard call window per day. Only one start and one end definition.

Any ideas on how to accomplish this? We tried to do 2 state definitions. For example, NY1 and NY2. NY1 would define 800 -> 1200 and NY2 would be 1330 -> 1630. So from 1200 to 1330 we would not call NY but we do in the morning and the rest of the afternoon. We were not able to add 2 different definitions with same state code tho.

Possibly do this through filtering?

Any help would be appreciated.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:16 pm
by mflorell
Interesting idea, this would require some reworking of the code to implement in admin .php, but to handle this temporarily you could try using a FILTER and just changing it every hour to match the time. This could even be programmed into a crontab event.

For instance:
at 11AM EST - gmt_offset_now NOT IN('-5')
at 12PM EST - gmt_offset_now NOT IN('-5','-6')
at 1PM EST - gmt_offset_now NOT IN('-6','-7')
at 2PM EST - gmt_offset_now NOT IN('-7','-8')
at 3PM EST - gmt_offset_now NOT IN('-8')
at 4PM EST - [leave it empty]

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:58 pm
by thedonvaughn
Ah ok. So basically just create a crontab to update vicidial_lead_filters table, specifically the lead_filter_sql column under my lunch_filter id every hour? Sounds simple enough. Thanks a bunch.

It would be great tho if you implemented this feature through admin.php. I'm sure others would enjoy it.

Keep up the great work Matt.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:56 am
by mflorell
Thanks for the compliment, let me know if that method works for you.

As for your suggestion, that would make a good one to add to the issue tracker :)