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Agent Logged time incorrect

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:09 pm
by AlexR
Hello Matt,

I am having some trouble here acounting for how much time the agents have worked. For example the following output.

The agent worked from 9AM to 6PM she logged out during lunch (1 hour).

But i get this in the report?

Code: Select all
---------- AGENT TIME SHEET: 807 - XXXXXXXXX -------------

TALK TIME:                4:42:00     AVERAGE:   1:50
PAUSE TIME:               0:32:24     AVERAGE:   0:13
WAIT TIME:                3:00:36     AVERAGE:   1:10
WRAPUP TIME:              0:57:36     AVERAGE:   0:22

FIRST LOGIN:          2008-01-31 09:01:40
LAST LOG ACTIVITY:    2008-01-31 17:57:54

How can she have almost 9:12 hours when she could only add as much as 8 hours if she worked the whole time?

Any ideas what i might have misconfigured?



PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:13 pm
by AlexR
Oh, we are dialing in MANUAL mode. Is the reporting broken for Manual mode?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:32 pm
by mflorell
There are several issues with logging and manual mode. For instance, some agent logging functions will not count a call if you do not connect(if no answer signal is received from the carrier). We do need to do some work on that, but the logging for campaigns that deal with outbound auto and predictive and inbound and blended dialing is much more accurate.

I have very few clients doing manual dialing to test the logging on real-world so it has not been a high priority.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:08 am
by AlexR
Thanks Matt, I guessed this was the problem, maybe I'll switch to predictive on Monday. I'll look into the code, maybe a whole different timesheet feature can be done for manual alone without breaking the already working features of predictive.

As always very thankful!
