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static and noise after a couple hours

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:07 pm
by bangsters

We currently are using the dialer for 10 agents.... everything has been fine until yesterday. At first 2 users started having bad reception or noise when they are connected. Sounds like everything is echoing over and over (if I say hello, I hear hello over and over)....then afterwards it became half of our agents experiencing the same thing....

We tried isolating the problem. If a different user logs into the same workstation everything is fine. And if the same user having the problems logs into a different machine he's still having problems. All our users have the same configuration in SIP and in vicidial. There is not much server load on the system. Network traffic is not much.

Has anyone else experienced this or something like this? Is this a vicidial issue? I'm trying to see if it's hardware related but at this point the hardware usage is minimal and is not getting maxxed out, hence I'm thinking it could be outside the hardware/network realm...

Any thoughts would be good.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:08 am
by bangsters
bump anyone? 3 days been happening now and it's hampering our agents' productivity.

ANy assistance is greatly appreciated.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:24 am
by saqibali
Regarding the ECHO problem you can check this link out and set the different algorithim instead of default. ... on-on.html

what timmer are you using for zaptel?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:36 am
by bangsters
timer for zaptel? not sure as I used the vicidialnow installer.... and using sip :)

it was working fine until just a couple days ago...

thanks for the help sir.

Re: static and noise after a couple hours

PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:46 am
by bigjohn
bangsters wrote:Hi.

We currently are using the dialer for 10 agents.... everything has been fine until yesterday. At first 2 users started having bad reception or noise when they are connected. Sounds like everything is echoing over and over (if I say hello, I hear hello over and over)....then afterwards it became half of our agents experiencing the same thing....

We tried isolating the problem. If a different user logs into the same workstation everything is fine. And if the same user having the problems logs into a different machine he's still having problems. All our users have the same configuration in SIP and in vicidial. There is not much server load on the system. Network traffic is not much.

Has anyone else experienced this or something like this? Is this a vicidial issue? I'm trying to see if it's hardware related but at this point the hardware usage is minimal and is not getting maxxed out, hence I'm thinking it could be outside the hardware/network realm...

Any thoughts would be good.
