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PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:08 am
by eliasferreyra

im having problem with the callbacks functionality

because im on santo domingo and my time zone is -4
i set the linux to this -4
the vicidial server and phones to -4
and when i use the callback disposition it doesnt dial and send the call to the agent on programed time

help what more do i need to config my vicidial right? :D

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 7:02 pm
by mflorell
Astguiclient version?

Are these ANYONE or AGENTONLY callbacks?

Have you commented out the AST_VDhopper script and run it manually to see if it finds callbacks?


PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:28 am
by eliasferreyra
astguiclient version

vicidial 2.0.4
vicidial 2.0.3
AGENTONLY callbacks

i have not commented out the AST_VDhopper script
what can i do on AST_VDhopper ?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:49 am
by mflorell
Agentonly callbacks are NOT automatically dialed and they do not go in the hopper. The agent needs to call them manually from their CALLBACKS link on vicidial.php