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Channel Errors

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:01 pm
by Felix
I currently have a Vicidial Setup of 2 servers sharing a common database.

While dialing and looking through the asterisk screen, I get a lot of the following in between calls:-

Mar 12 11:52:51 WARNING[2529]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x82a59b8', 9 retries!
Mar 12 11:52:51 WARNING[2529]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x83e6568', 9 retries!
Mar 12 11:52:51 WARNING[2529]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x838fd68', 9 retries!
Mar 12 11:52:51 WARNING[2529]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x81f3218', 9 retries!
Mar 12 11:52:51 WARNING[2529]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x82fb568', 9 retries!
Mar 12 11:52:51 WARNING[2529]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x8217990', 9 retries!
Mar 12 11:52:51 WARNING[2529]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x8504e00', 9 retries!
Mar 12 11:52:51 WARNING[2529]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x8278468', 9 retries!

Does anyone have any idea what this is about?

Asterisk Version: 1.2.24

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:11 pm
by mflorell
That error means a problem with sending/receiving data from a device, whether it be a VOIP channel or a recording.

Are you doing recording?

Can you tell what channel these WARNINGs are from?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:21 pm
by Felix
Yes, we are doing recordings and the recordings have a problem where they are sped up and are completely unusable.

Is there a way I can tell what channel they're from?

I can post more of the log here if that would help.

== Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
-- AGI Script agi:// ... ----------) completed, returning 0
-- SIP/PBX2-085abc20 is ringing
-- SIP/PBX2-085abc20 is making progress passing it to Local/9113106495430@default-f985,2
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x84ccfc8', 9 retries!
== Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x869cfd8', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x85df328', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x86b1608', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x820ecb8', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x85b47e0', 9 retries!
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x831aa20', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x84bca60', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x8473e08', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x8164598', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x82173c0', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x8433388', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x82e0c58', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x82e4b88', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x8329680', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x84f40d0', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x83ae888', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x81f5060', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0xb27185e8', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:19 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x8663530', 9 retries!
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
== Spawn extension (default, 8600064, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/PBX2-083d6350'
-- Executing DeadAGI("SIP/PBX2-083d6350", "agi://") in new stack
-- AGI Script agi:// ... ----------) completed, returning 0
== Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
-- Executing Wait("Local/78600073@default-b153,1", "3600") in new stack
== Spawn extension (default, 8600074, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/PBX2-08499668'
-- Executing DeadAGI("SIP/PBX2-08499668", "agi://") in new stack
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
== Spawn extension (default, 8600051, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/PBX2-086a9d10'
-- Executing DeadAGI("SIP/PBX2-086a9d10", "agi://") in new stack
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
== Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x84ccfc8', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x869cfd8', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x85df328', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x86b1608', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x820ecb8', 9 retries!
-- AGI Script agi:// ... ----------) completed, returning 0
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x85b47e0', 9 retries!
-- AGI Script agi:// ... ----------) completed, returning 0
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x831aa20', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x84bca60', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x8473e08', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x8164598', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x82173c0', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x8433388', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x82e0c58', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x82e4b88', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x8329680', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x84f40d0', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x83ae888', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x81f5060', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0xb27185e8', 9 retries!
Mar 12 13:19:20 WARNING[2616]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x8663530', 9 retries!
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
-- Executing MeetMe("Local/78600061@default-48c4,2", "8600061|q") in new stack
> Channel Local/78600061@default-48c4,1 was answered.
-- Executing Answer("Local/78600061@default-48c4,1", "") in new stack
-- Executing Monitor("Local/78600061@default-48c4,1", "wav|20080312-131918_9042625333") in new stack

PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:36 pm
by mflorell
What is the loadavg when this happens?

Have you tried recording to a RAM drive?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:36 am
by aster1
I have those problems on one server . Recording to both ram drive or hard drive causes this . Ztdummy as timer and load is around ~0.5-0.6 .Happens with sip as well as IAX . That's why i wanted to try asterisk 1.4 and see if this goes away .

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 7:09 am
by mflorell
It possibly could be a bandwidth issue then, not having enough for the number of channels you are trying ot push through, or too high latency.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:07 am
by Felix
mflorell wrote:What is the loadavg when this happens?

Have you tried recording to a RAM drive?

Right now, the recordings are being stored on the hard drive of another dedicated computer on the network which is mounted via NFS.

The thing about that is we had the problem even when the Dialer Machine was recording on it's own hard drive.

Should I post the extensions.conf for both the dialers?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:08 am
by Felix
mflorell wrote:It possibly could be a bandwidth issue then, not having enough for the number of channels you are trying ot push through, or too high latency.

We did have a bandwidth issue but that was resolved. Each dialer machine is hooked up to it's own internet connection so that should be a non issue as far as I can see. I'll double check to make sure.