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Trunk Shortages Showing, don't know why

PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:02 pm
by chadahm
Hello All,

I have a multi-server setup (Not Balanced). Basically, I have:

2 Webservers
1 Database Server
4 Asterisk/Vicidial Servers (Not Balanced, Phones registers to servers individually)
Server1 - Primary Asterisk server
Server2 - 1st secondary server:Server I'm having issues with
Server3 - 2nd secondary server
Server4 - 3rd secondary server

Recently upgraded from 2.0.3 -> 2.0.4 and since then, I have one server (Calling it Server2 in this post) that doesn't dial. It shows a trunk shortage through the realtime and through the ASTVDauto screen capture. I've modified the extensions.conf to compensate the single h extension and ip/conference wildcare requirements as stated in the UPGRADE doc

All the other servers(Server1, Server3, Server4) are fine. It's not campaign specific as I've tried with all campaigns on Server2 with the same results, it doesn't dial and shows a shortage. it's just this one server and have included image shots and 'screen' capture to show this. It's not a call routing issue as I can manually dial from my soft-phone and use campaigns in manual dial. I've checked the vicidial server settings and they are identical with all identical conferences.

If there is any other setting(s) you can think of that it could be as I noticed "Calls to Place: -124" on the Server2 'screen' output (See Below) I'd really appreciate it. Currently, there are no trunk restrictions for any campaigns on any of the servers.

Server2 Agent Paused Screen Shot

Server2 Agent Ready Screen Shot

Server2 'screen' output
loop counter: |5757451|
TIME DEBUG: -7.00|-7.00|0| GMT: 15:55
2008-03-19 08:55:04|LIVE AGENTS LOGGED IN: 1 ACTIVE CALLS: 220|
2008-03-19 08:55:04|TEST agents: 1 dial_level: 3.0|
2008-03-19 08:55:04|TEST Calls to place: -124 (3 - 0) 220 MVT override: 96 |-124 3| OTHER LIMIT override: 96|
2008-03-19 08:55:04|CAMPAIGN DIFFERENTIAL: 0.85 0.85 (0.85 - 0)|
2008-03-19 08:55:04|LOCAL TRUNK SHORTAGE: 3|3 (96 - 96)|
2008-03-19 08:55:04|TEST CALLING|
TIME DEBUG: -7.00|-7.00|0| GMT: 15:55
2008-03-19 08:55:04|| lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0E0|20080319085434|20080319085454|20080319085504||
2008-03-19 08:55:04|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0E0|2008-03-19 08:53:04||
2008-03-19 08:55:04|| logindate UPDATED 1|'TEST'||

loop counter: |5757450|
2008-03-19 08:55:04|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0E0|2008-03-19 08:45:04|LIVE||
2008-03-19 08:55:04|| updating server parameters 96|8367|-7.00|default||
TIME DEBUG: -7.00|-7.00|0| GMT: 15:55
checking to see if listener is dead |1|
TIME DEBUG: -7.00|-7.00|0| GMT: 15:55
2008-03-19 08:55:07|LIVE AGENTS LOGGED IN: 1 ACTIVE CALLS: 220|
2008-03-19 08:55:07|TEST agents: 1 dial_level: 3.0|
2008-03-19 08:55:07|TEST Calls to place: -124 (3 - 0) 220 MVT override: 96 |-124 3| OTHER LIMIT override: 96|
2008-03-19 08:55:07|CAMPAIGN DIFFERENTIAL: 0.85 0.85 (0.85 - 0)|
2008-03-19 08:55:07|LOCAL TRUNK SHORTAGE: 3|3 (96 - 96)|
2008-03-19 08:55:07|TEST CALLING|
TIME DEBUG: -7.00|-7.00|0| GMT: 15:55
2008-03-19 08:55:07|| lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0E0|20080319085437|20080319085457|20080319085507||
2008-03-19 08:55:07|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0E0|2008-03-19 08:53:07||
2008-03-19 08:55:07|| logindate UPDATED 1|'TEST'||

loop counter: |5757449|
TIME DEBUG: -7.00|-7.00|0| GMT: 15:55
2008-03-19 08:55:09|LIVE AGENTS LOGGED IN: 1 ACTIVE CALLS: 220|
2008-03-19 08:55:09|TEST agents: 1 dial_level: 3.0|
2008-03-19 08:55:09|TEST Calls to place: -124 (3 - 0) 220 MVT override: 96 |-124 3| OTHER LIMIT override: 96|
2008-03-19 08:55:09|CAMPAIGN DIFFERENTIAL: 0.85 0.85 (0.85 - 0)|
2008-03-19 08:55:09|LOCAL TRUNK SHORTAGE: 3|3 (96 - 96)|
2008-03-19 08:55:09|TEST CALLING|
TIME DEBUG: -7.00|-7.00|0| GMT: 15:55
2008-03-19 08:55:09|| lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0E0|20080319085439|20080319085459|20080319085509||
2008-03-19 08:55:09|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0E0|2008-03-19 08:53:09||
2008-03-19 08:55:09|| logindate UPDATED 1|'TEST'||

Server3 Agent Ready (working) Screen Shot

Server3 'screen' output
loop counter: |5757118|
TIME DEBUG: -7.00|-7.00|0| GMT: 16:03
2008-03-19 09:03:15|LIVE AGENTS LOGGED IN: 1 ACTIVE CALLS: 13|
2008-03-19 09:03:15|TEST agents: 1 dial_level: 3.0|
2008-03-19 09:03:15|TEST Calls to place: 3 (3 - 0) 16 |
2008-03-19 09:03:15|CAMPAIGN DIFFERENTIAL: 1 1 (1 - 0)|
2008-03-19 09:03:15|LOCAL TRUNK SHORTAGE: 0|0 (16 - 96)|
2008-03-19 09:03:15|TEST CALLING|
|UPDATE vicidial_hopper set status='QUEUE', user='VDAD_66.235.230.155' where campaign_id='TEST' and status='READY' order by priority desc,hopper_id LIMIT 3|
hopper rows updated to QUEUE: |3|
|SELECT lead_id,alt_dial FROM vicidial_hopper where campaign_id='TEST' and status='QUEUE' and user='VDAD_66.235.230.155' order by priority desc,hopper_id LIMIT 1|
|UPDATE vicidial_hopper set status='INCALL' where lead_id='323'|
hopper row updated to INCALL: |1|323|
2008-03-19 09:03:15|| number call dialed|TEST|V0319090315000000323|INSERT INTO vicidial_manager values('','','2008-03-19 09:03:15','NEW','N','','','Originate','V0319090315000000323','Exten: 8365','Context: default','Channel: Local/16232152160@default','Priority: 1','Callerid: "V0319090315000000323" <6023694444>','Timeout: 22000','','','','')|0.00|NONE||
|SELECT lead_id,alt_dial FROM vicidial_hopper where campaign_id='TEST' and status='QUEUE' and user='VDAD_66.235.230.155' order by priority desc,hopper_id LIMIT 1|
|UPDATE vicidial_hopper set status='INCALL' where lead_id='324'|
hopper row updated to INCALL: |1|324|
2008-03-19 09:03:15|| number call dialed|TEST|V0319090315000000324|INSERT INTO vicidial_manager values('','','2008-03-19 09:03:15','NEW','N','','','Originate','V0319090315000000324','Exten: 8365','Context: default','Channel: Local/16022371611@default','Priority: 1','Callerid: "V0319090315000000324" <6023694444>','Timeout: 22000','','','','')|0.00|NONE||
|SELECT lead_id,alt_dial FROM vicidial_hopper where campaign_id='TEST' and status='QUEUE' and user='VDAD_66.235.230.155' order by priority desc,hopper_id LIMIT 1|
|UPDATE vicidial_hopper set status='INCALL' where lead_id='325'|
hopper row updated to INCALL: |1|325|
2008-03-19 09:03:15|| number call dialed|TEST|V0319090315000000325|INSERT INTO vicidial_manager values('','','2008-03-19 09:03:15','NEW','N','','','Originate','V0319090315000000325','Exten: 8365','Context: default','Channel: Local/14806072761@default','Priority: 1','Callerid: "V0319090315000000325" <6023694444>','Timeout: 22000','','','','')|0.00|NONE||
TIME DEBUG: -7.00|-7.00|0| GMT: 16:03
2008-03-19 09:03:15|| lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0E0|20080319090245|20080319090305|20080319090315||
2008-03-19 09:03:15|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0E0|2008-03-19 09:01:15||
2008-03-19 09:03:15|| lastcalldate UPDATED 1|'101'||
2008-03-19 09:03:15|| logindate UPDATED 1|'TEST'||


PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:13 pm
by chadahm
Never mind, ran the and that seemed to clean up the vicidial_manager table. I had those crons disabled on my secondary servers as I thought the main server would run those. After looking at the perl script, realized it's vicidial server specific. No trunk shortages and dialing once again.

