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campaign using a message to customer

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:03 am
by eliasferreyra
how can i configure a camoaign not for talk with customers ..
its for when the customer answer the call the call doesnt go to agents directly but i need the the customer listen a message that says for samples your payment is 100 usd if you want to pay now press 1
if you want to pay late press 2

and when the customer choose 1 the call goes to any agent of this campaign_¿?????????????????????????????????????????????

is that possible with vicidial??

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 1:52 am
by mflorell
Yes, you will have to modify the SURVEY agi script to use your audio files and special field values, but this is possible and is being done by several companies.


PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 10:48 am
by eliasferreyra
thanks Miste MATT....

can i specify any context menu to the survey agi script?

asterisk context

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:07 am
by mflorell
Nope, the AGI script handles the DTMF detection and the playing of the audio prompts. It does this so it can update the database and maintain call connection to pass the call on to an agent.


PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:27 am
by eliasferreyra
i need to make the customer listen the message and has the opction to choose any option like an ivr menu and if he choose one option asterisk transfer to this context and goes to an agent

understand my english is not so good

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:04 pm
by mflorell
I would need to see more information on how all of this is to work with all options before I can help you any more.


PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:16 am
by eliasferreyra
i nned to specify to the dialer that when the customer receive the call listen any message that says ''hello you are on teleservice ,if you to comunicate with our agents please press 1, if you dont wanna comunicate with us press 2 '' if press 1 goes to any agent , and if press 2 hangup...

thats all i need

ok look i need something like this

#Hello, we are conducting a simple survery today, if you are a voter and registered as a Democrat, please press 1. If you are registered as a Republican, please press 2. If you are registered as an Independant or other party please press 3. If you do not want to be contacted again, please press 8.