I had a dialer set up, I moved it over to another server, copied all conf files and modified the extensions.conf to reflect new IP as well as the database.
On the old server all inbound calling worked perfectly. Now when I call in I only get messages playing invalid extension and then a hangup.
Here is my extensions.conf as well as some agi out and some asterisk cli.
exten => 13056001381,1,Ringing ; call ringing
exten => 13056001381,2,Wait(1) ; Wait 1 second for CID delivery from PRI
exten => 13056001381,3,Answer ; Answer the line
exten => 13056001381,4,AGI(agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi,CIDLOOKUP-----LO-----Inbound-----13056001381-----Inbound-----park----------999-----1-----Outreach)
exten => _010*000*022*245*8600XXX,1,Goto(default,EXTEN:16},1)
exten => _010*000*022*245*8600XXX*.,1,Goto(default,${EXTEN:16},1)
exten => _010*000*022*245*78600XXX,1,Goto(default,${EXTEN:16},1)
exten => _010*000*022*245*78600XXX*.,1,Goto(default,${EXTEN:16},1)
exten => _8600XXX*.,1,AGI(agi-VDADfixCXFER.agi)
exten => _78600XXX*.,1,AGI(agi-VDADfixCXFER.agi)
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin|+++++++++++++++++ FastAGI Start ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin|Perl Environment Dump:
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin|0|--debug
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin|URL HVcauses: |PRI|NODEBUG|16||||
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin|AGI Environment Dump:
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- accountcode =
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- callerid = 2084121299
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- calleridname = WIRELESS CALLER
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- callingani2 = 0
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- callingpres = 0
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- callingtns = 0
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- callington = 0
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- channel = SIP/
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- context = default
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- dnid = 13056001381
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- enhanced = 0.0
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- extension = h
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- language = en
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- network = yes
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- network_script = call_log--HVcauses--PRI-----NODEBUG-----16---------------
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- priority = 1
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- rdnis = unknown
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- request = agi:// ... ----------
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- type = SIP
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin| -- uniqueid = 1215706038.10
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|begin|AGI Variables: |1215706038.10|SIP/|h|SIP|2084121299|
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|call_log|Process to run: |agi://|call_log|END|
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|call_log||CALL HUNG UP|
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|call_log|URL HVcauses: |PRI|NODEBUG|16||||
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|call_log||DELETE from live_inbound where uniqueid='1215706038.10' and server_ip=''|
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|call_log|+++++ CALL LOG HUNGUP: |1215706038.10|SIP/|h|2008-07-10 12:07:34|min: 1.08|
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|call_log|DEBUG: NODEBUG
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|call_log|VD_hangup : 2084121299 SIP/ 1 0
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|call_log||SELECT lead_id,callerid,campaign_id,alt_dial,stage,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(call_time),uniqueid,status FROM vicidial_auto_calls where uniqueid = '1215706038.10' or callerid = '2084121299' limit 1;|
2008-07-10 12:07:34|VDfastAGI|call_log|VD hangup: no VDAC record found: 1215706038.10 2084121299
-- Executing Ringing("SIP/", "") in new stack
-- Executing Wait("SIP/", "1") in new stack
-- Executing Answer("SIP/", "") in new stack
-- Executing AGI("SIP/", "agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi|CIDLOOKUP-----LO-----Inbound-----13056001381-----Inbound-----park----------999-----1-----Outreach") in new stack
-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi
-- AGI Script agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi completed, returning 0
== Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Manager 'sendcron' logged on from
== Manager 'sendcron' logged off from
-- Timeout on SIP/
== CDR updated on SIP/
-- Executing Goto("SIP/", "#|1") in new stack
-- Goto (default,#,1)
-- Executing Playback("SIP/", "invalid") in new stack
-- Playing 'invalid' (language 'en')
-- Executing Hangup("SIP/", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (default, #, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/'
-- Executing DeadAGI("SIP/", "agi://") in new stack
-- AGI Script agi:// ... ---------- completed, returning 0
Any help would be appreciated... and I have both the Agent, and Managers Manual so please don't just tell me to purchase it.