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Multiple vicidials, one DB. laggy response

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:43 pm
by rcphq
We're trying to grow the infrastructure of our call center by switching from a 2-vicidials in paralel setup to a 1 DB, 2 vicidials running on it scheme.
we've done some initial tests and found the response time somewhat laggy, has this happened to anyone? any ideas?

(where is a good place to read up on this, i figure it's somewhere in the docs, but im not in charge of that infrastructure project so i havent looked yet, any guidance would be most welcomed).


PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:47 pm
by mflorell
What CPU specs and RAM specs are on your DB server?

Have you optimized your /etc/my.cnf file for these parameters?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:05 pm
by rcphq
the my.cnf hasn't been touched for special settings, where could i see where to better adapt it for this conditions?

the DB is currently setup on a old server we had lying around for testing, the servers it could end up on would be more powerfull, but we we're amazed by the noticeable lag in response

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:14 pm
by mflorell
Your database needs to be the FASTEST server in the cluster.

I cannot give you any suggestions unless you tell me about the machine:

What CPU specs and RAM specs are on your DB server?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:36 am
by rortizde
It's a dual Xeon 2.8GHz 533MHz FSB 512KB L2 Cache with 2GB RAM and two 73GB 7,200 RPM SCSI Disks using RAID 1

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:50 am
by mflorell
You should start with the huge-my.cnf file that is included by default with MySQL.

Make sure that hostname lookups are diasbled(as sp3ecified in the SCRATCH_INSTALL doc).