dailer and database server installation

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dailer and database server installation

Postby admin48g » Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:45 am


I have two servers with following specs

2 physical process 2.g
8 gb ram
3*146 harddrive sas

I want two machines for dialer and one for database.

can you guys tell me do i need raid10 or 5 on dialer machine.
and also on database machine.
if yes than which partitions should i mount on raid
if there is good how to please give me a link.

I am planning to deploy all this on centos 5

thanks in advance.
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Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:36 am

Postby mflorell » Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:57 am

I always recommend RAID 1 or 10 if possible. Make sure you put the MySQL database on a separate partition or separate drives if possible. Also, if you are doing recording you will want the /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE directory on a separate partition if you plan on keeping recordings on the machine for any length of time.

Be sure to use a RAM drive or tmpfs for recording within Asterisk.
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raid 10 on centos

Postby admin48g » Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:25 pm

please tell in detail about ram drive and also about swap partition
as my ram is 8 gb so how big i need swap.
and Is there any need of raid in dialer server where I have vicidial or its ok to leave dialer server without raid and make raid 10 on database server.

Moreover it is very easy to create raid 10 on fc 8 but little difficult on centos 5
I v tried raid 10 by webmin.
is there any other simple how to for raid 10 on centos 5

thanks in advance
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Postby mflorell » Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:07 am

tmpfs is enabled by default, and I believe there are instructions on tmpfs in the SCRATCH_INSTALL doc:

in the kernel, ensure that this File Systems option is enabled:
pseudo filesystems --->
<*> Virtual memory file system support
(this is usually checked anyway but mandatory for recording to RAM[tmpfs])

Then "vi /etc/fstab" # to include the following line for recording to RAM
tmpfs /var/spool/asterisk/monitor tmpfs rw 0 0

tmpfs will auto-size to available RAM.

As for SWAP, it would need to be at least 8GB to match your RAM.

As for setting up RAIDs, I only ever use Hardware RAID controllers.
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