Needed web server for chat_customer

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Needed web server for chat_customer

Postby bghayad » Wed Jul 03, 2019 7:04 pm


What are the needed PHP and Mysql to be installed at the webserver that we will place the chat_customer folder on it?
What if this webserver is IIS (microsoft web server)?

Do I have to install Mysql server or Mysql client? And what PHP packages that are needed?

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Re: Needed web server for chat_customer

Postby williamconley » Wed Jul 03, 2019 7:43 pm

MySQL server is only required on the Database server. MySQL client is a function of PHP.

PHP will run on IIS, in theory, but compatibility is questionable. I don't know why you would try such a thing. Better to put chat on a virtual server than an IIS server. But let us know how it goes!

Check any of your existing Vicidial servers for the php version in use, using the same version is recommended but not necessarily required.
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Re: Needed web server for chat_customer

Postby bghayad » Sun Jul 07, 2019 6:39 am

Thank you William.

Better to put chat on a virtual server

You mean to use apache web server?

For example, if I need to build apache server with php and mysql client on opensuse, below commands will be enough (as general talking)?

zypper install apache2
zypper install php7 php7-mysql apache2-mod_php7

Your kindly advise is highly appreciated because based on this, I can look for the equivalent to be done on IIS (already we have IIS server, but I can build new web server on virtual environment to be linux based).

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