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would have to be built, but it could be done. you really should post it as a feature request if you don't hire someone to do it.rohitrmenon wrote:I have a following requirements
Create a call recording link of last call or search and download link on agent window... is it possible on Vicidial or Goautodial ?
if its possible the how to create it ?
Please help me about it.
vccsdotca wrote:We have a button on the agent screen which pops up and shows all the recordings for that particular lead with the option for Bridged playback and download. You can set up the button in the GUI if you want. Here is a snippet of the conf file.
exten => s,1,NoOp(playback : file=${FILENAME})
;exten =>
exten =>
exten => _X.,1,Meetme,${EXTEN}
exten => _X.,1,MeetMeAdmin(${EXTEN},e)
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