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Voicemail Limiter

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:31 pm
by jfsfx
VERSION: 2.4-362a BUILD: 120316-1203 - installed using vicibox (don't have the version number).

Is there a way to limit the number of voicemails left for the same lead? The reason why is because if we call the same lead twice the same day and get answer machine, the system automatically leaves 2 voicemails and customers are not happy about that.

Ideally we could set a limit in hours so we can specify if message was left within timeframe specified, then don't leave a message again.

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.

Re: Voicemail Limiter

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:21 pm
by williamconley
If you want to Not Call the prospect back after leaving a VM, you could use a filter to check the status against the prior call date to wait until the next day if the prior status was that of Left Message.

But AMD will perform the AMD action and the agent pressing transfer-conf and VM will leave the message without regard for "what happened earlier" unless there are changes to those two scripts. I am not aware of any method other than customizing the scripts in question to force "one Message per day". Interesting feature request, though.

I will move this to the Feature board, and you should post an Issue Tracker item and then a link to it here. You should also consider sponsoring this feature or requesting a 3rd party to create it and then contributing DIFF files against the latest so everyone can have it. It sounds like an interesting technical addition. :)