puneet_143 wrote:Hi Santhuarnold,
Any success for the force dial in preview mode through agent api. We also looking for the same feature( Timed Preview) but not getting success.
Goautodial - VERSION: 2.4-309a -BUILD: 110430-1642
Do note that your version of Vicidial is several years old. There have been many improvements since then. While you are using Vicidial after installing with a goautodial installer, you can still upgrade. You'll lose the goautodial pretty/broken interface, but you will get a lot of new features.
If you're not sure, there are several options: You can upgrade the goautodial version and get a more recent version of Vicidial. Or you can upgrade to the latest version of Vicidial and get All the new toys. Or you can even install a fake/virtual Vicidial from the Vicibox .iso in Virtualbox or VMware or vSphere so you can have a look at whether it has the functions you need. You can also look at the present api functionality here if you just want to check it out as text before going any farther: