I was looking into CID lookup failures for inbound campaigns and realized the agi was only looking for phone_number. Mainly this is an issue because of how many inbound return calls our call center receives, but the number is not one listed or not the main one listed for the lead. This causes us to create paper lists to backtrack and make sure we mark the lead dispositions as XFER or SALE or DNC. Taking lots of extra time when the agent could just get the correct lead and then disposition it as required.
I wrote the changes to include 'or alt_phone = $phone_number or address3 = $phone_number'. I was posting a issue in the tracker to put the code changes into then I realized a problem with this. Most likely the mingling of cell and business between alt and address3 (per call center, campaign, or even list import) is going to cause business lines to be pulled (as the lookup sorts on modified date and limits one), thus the last person called at a business number will be the lead_id pulled. Which obvously could be a group of callers but not the one you need.
So I talked this over with Kevan and we are going to try to add some more logic to the AGI and agc. If the lookup finds a record, but there is more then 1 record available we are going to set a variable that causes buttons to appear. One button is "Lookup Lead", in the case that the wrong lead is pulled they can click this to get a selection window showing them the other leads matching the "SELECT', allowing them to pull a different lead record into the agent screen. Possibly offer a search based on first, last, and ?. Thus if the number is unlisted or CID blocked they can search instead of just select ones from the list. The other button is "Accept Lead", as it found the correct one. This one is not really needed but nice to clear the screen of the Lookup Lead button or selection box once you know you have the correct lead.
Not sure when we will have time to actually write the code either. I also may be ignoring something obvious that should be done to resolve this instead, if so please point it out!