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Dialing cellular phones

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:15 am
by richo2007
In my country, when you dial a cellular phone you add have to add the prefix 044 if the number belong to the same calling are you are calling from or 045 if you are calling an area code different than yours.

The problem is that many times customers have the phone number but do not indicate in their leads lists which kind of phone you are dialing, cell or normal.

So, when you dial a cell like a phone you get a recording indicating that the number you are dialing is a cell and that you have to add the corresponding prefix.

My question is, how can this situation be handled within vicidial?
The easiest solution I think is just to add the phone with the prefix as a second or third phone. Nevertheless I wonder if there is another option.


PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:49 am
by ramindia

i just suggest better way to solve this

dial the numbers with 045, and check the leads with NA and other busy something, change them with 044 prefix and dial


PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:17 am
by artimus
Not a great solution here either, but instead of marking them as NA, I would make a customer disposition, and use that to mark the account.

INSERT INTO vicidial_status values ('LCEL','Local Cell Phone','Y');
INSERT INTO vicidial_status values ('FCEL','Foreign Cell Phone','Y');

Use the following two statements to get the data you need, in order to modify your own data if needed.

SELECT list_id, lead_id, status, phone_code, phone_number FROM vicidial_list WHERE status = 'LCEL';

SELECT list_id, lead_id, status, phone_code, phone_number FROM vicidial_list WHERE status = 'FCEL';

Then you can either, alter your hopper script to add 044 and 055 to your phone code based on the status being LCEL or FCEL.

Or you can update the status field in mysql to add the 044 / 045. Then set your campaign to dial people in the lcel fcel status.

Not sure if there is any way to actually detect this though..

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 2:43 pm
by devafree

does the cell numbers have a default prefixed number , for example do all cell numbers start with , say 7 ?

if so, you can format the list before uploading ?



PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 3:32 pm
by richo2007
Unfortunately they do not have a prefix, so you can not distinguish them from a regular phone number.
I think ram suggestion may be the easiest one.
To load them into a database and have a program dial the number.
If the phone starts to dial, then hangup immediately and we know is a regular phone.
If a NA is received make sure that it is the one corresponding to a cellular phone, then mark it so.
The resulting leads phones list can then be prefixed accordingly and load into vicidial.

I was trying to find a way to wait for the previous test, but apparently there are no may options.

Thanks anyway