jsatyanand78 wrote:hi
i am looking for someone who can install the vicidial on cloud server and we support when required.
1) How is this related to the topic post of full time UK shift? LOL (It's not cool to hijack a thread for your own nefarious purposes on any Board on the net as far as I know.)
2) Goautodial is specifically designed to allow Stock CentOS to become a Vicidial server (with the vicidial base software hidden, and easy-to-access links to the modified goautodial screens ... but Vicidial IS there and works Well).
3) Unless you can load the OS from an uploaded .iso image, in which case ANY installer can handle it. Just be sure to whitelist lock the server after it's online for obvious security reasons.
4) Note that "Cloud" could also mean "Virtual" and not physical hardware. Your experience with a virtual server will likely be quite disappointing unless you only intend to put one or two agents on the server. But hardware servers can be leased in the cloud (Amazon, for instance, will lease you a full server that's not virtual). Costs more money, but Vicidial does NOT run well in a virtual environment under load.
In summary, you could ask Gardo or PoundTeam to install or use the instructions for installing Goautodial on a cloud server and do it yourself ... just be sure the Cloud server is a whole physical server, not a shared CPU environment.