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admin interface relooking

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:22 pm
by saidmsl
i see that most of the GUI changes are towards agent interface , but supervisors and admin still use the plain interface

i can sponsor a dev to modify the admin interface , if anyone interested - license code should be same license as vicidial of course :
- design a more attractive interface with tabs, css, ajax, mvc , framework,........
- simplify the interface with 2 modes :
. simple mode with only parameters need to be changed by the admin (and all other parameters set to default values)
.advanced mode with all parameters (ex : use a tab regrouping all advanced parameters)
why : people fear when they see all the parameters that vicidial offer
- design a campaign creation wizard (with multi pages )
- in campaign detail view : group the parameters depending their usage (ex : manual)
- separate the help in another file
- use po file or gettext or any ways to separate interface with languages
- any other ideas


Re: admin interface relooking

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:51 pm
by williamconley
If you can sponsor it, you should discuss directly with The Vicidial Group, as they are "the keepers of the code". That being said, we've made extensive changes to many of the Admin pages for many clients, but RARELY for "Looks". Clients ordinarily want extra preferences and features.

If you want to modify the "behavior" and "ease of use" and the "look", we'd be very happy to work with you on that, with the latest version (trunk!) and keep the entire project Open for distribution back to the Project. We'd even be willing to perform the tasks incrementally (slow down when funding drops and kick back in when it improves). I'd like to see Vicidial get a facelift, too!

Re: admin interface relooking

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:44 pm
by saidmsl
thanks for you reply, i don't have a big budget, but i can have a certain amount of money each month that i can use for the development and dedicate an amount of time for developping and testing.

i do not want to change the behavior but keep in line with vicidial, but offer an light interface for admins.

i explain (i dont' know if it's same for you):
most of the times, a supervisor is just an agent who get a promotion. he is not a IT guru and he need to perform everyday works :
- create agents and manage agents (change password, allow or deny access to campaign)
- manage campaign : import leads, export data, change the script (custom fields)

if we let open all the settings , he can break the system (i already had it, when a production was stopped all day because of a setting wrong)
and i have people allergic to scrolls-down :-)

if we can start something , it would be great for everyone.


Re: admin interface relooking

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:53 pm
by williamconley
We would need to start with something simple. Such as a "search/replace" method to allow visual changes to the basic screens that do not otherwise alter functionality. Essentially "skinning it".

If we concentrate on an "outer framework" to get that DONE for a particular version (and tested), we can see if that basic change can be committed, and then begin working our way inward.

But there are a Lot of screens in Vicidial. It may require a code cleansing or breakdown to begin the work.

Unless you just want to try to alter it "one screen at a time" based on "those with the least access" (Perhaps just the Campaign/List screens first?)