Need Help with Insurance Carrier Cooperative Agent Dialer
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:58 am
Hi, I am a health insurance agent working in the US and have, for some time, been working closely with a particular carrier that has recently approached me about a proposed cooperative marketing effort to provide agents with dialers and crm. We came very close to pulling the trigger on a deal with Five9 and one of its partners, but the partner has been a tad vague about what precisely it can do for how much in what time frame and seemed more concerned about collecting what we felt to be some fairly exorbitant fees. We would like to have started this yesterday. I sat through a fairly unimpressive demo with Five9 about Sugar integration and started looking around for other alternatives. I discovered that an older version of vtiger came fully integrated with vcdial, and am interested in discussing remote hosting and integration with competent persons for both vtiger and sugar, and vcdial and Five9.
My RSD wants me running on the system yesterday, so we can iron out the problems before January 1, 2013 when he hopes to start offering the services to other agents. He expects to have somewhere between 10-15 agents using it within his territory ultimately, and, depending upon the success of the program, there is the potential for many other RSDs to join in, up to and including all of them. I'd love to discuss our particular requirements with capable persons.
My RSD wants me running on the system yesterday, so we can iron out the problems before January 1, 2013 when he hopes to start offering the services to other agents. He expects to have somewhere between 10-15 agents using it within his territory ultimately, and, depending upon the success of the program, there is the potential for many other RSDs to join in, up to and including all of them. I'd love to discuss our particular requirements with capable persons.