Need Assistance + Advice to build a complette Vici Solution

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Need Assistance + Advice to build a complette Vici Solution

Postby hafedh » Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:26 am


I m trying to build an offshore call center based in Tunisia
This call center have to make a massive Inbound, Outbound and Blended call handling

We Think using asterisk+vicidial for our needs VICIDIAL Record: Always recording

PC Agent

In the beginning, We will start with 120 E1 Based in Paris France with 60 seats PIV or Celeron 2.8 512 RAM + SIP or IAX softphones

I have to use only lease line from Tunis to Paris

I ll dialing with 2 lines-per-agent or 3 some times

First I need your advice for this kind of hardware ;

2 * Dialers :

I have to choose between .SuperMicro (SYS-6014VT2-MID ) with 1 Intel Xeon 3.6 GHz + 2 *250 SATA 2 GB or Dell 1850 + SANGOMA A104X
1 Database SuperMicro (SYS-6014VT2-MID ) with 2 Intel Xeon 3.6 GHz + 2 *250 SATA 4 GB

Pentium dual core for httpd

For the manageable switch and headseat I didin t choose yet. can you advise me ?

Second point for the trunk

I think using tdmoip Vmux 2100 from tunis to Paris (Dialer ==>4 E1==>vmux 2100 TDMOIP ==> Lease Line point to point Tunis Paris ==> vmux 2100 in Paris ==>PSTN 4E1)

Have you an Idea about this kind of solution or have you another solution based on other kind of hardware wich use the minus bandwith possible vmux g723.1 so 1/16

Third point

How can you help us to build all of this ? can you present us your self and so

Many Thanks

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Location: Tunisia

Postby tbenson » Wed May 16, 2007 8:17 pm

The NetGear 724T (g724t or gs724t?) is the one we use the most often. Short of going cisco it has the features you would need for VLAN and other options you may grow into when you need to expand the network.

The headset for softphones we like to use is the Plantronics DSP-400. There is also a DSP-550 but is more expensive and harder to find (or was). Plus the DSP-400 is about a $35-$40 at compared to its $80 retail.
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Postby erwan » Tue May 22, 2007 1:12 pm

Nous sommes une société Française, et nous avons développé une solution compléte basé sur Vicidial. Cette solution est complétement Francisé et Intègre de nombreux complément comme des formulaire dynamique de qualification, un système de prise de RDV, Un programme de statististiques de supervision ...

Nous pouvons vendre et Installer ce produit ou bien vous assister dans la mise en place de solution ainsi qu'eventuelement des developpements spécifique.

Nous somme implanté aussi a Tunis au travers d'un partenaire qui permet de proposer eventuellement des solution d'interconnexion IAX / SIP avec la france.

Vous pouvez me contacter à l'adresse suivante:

Capture d'écran de la solution:






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Postby mflorell » Tue May 22, 2007 1:15 pm

Thank you for posting these images. Can you post a location where we can download the source-code to your version of VICIDIAL?
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Postby Op3r » Tue May 22, 2007 2:18 pm

Nice work!

but I dont see any vicidial mention in it?
Get paid for US outbound Toll Free calls. PM me. visit for vicidial services.
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Outsourcing company

Postby telesoft » Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:08 am

Hi We are a small company in Romania. We offer outsourcing and asterisk , vicidial support. We are also working on a c# version of vicidial what will give you more functionality and nice interface(and more easy to use it).
Please let me know if you are interested.
Best Regards
Adrian Lazar
Manager Telesoft Romania
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Postby asterguy » Sat Oct 11, 2008 8:19 pm

Is this made by .net?
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