GoAutoDial and CRM

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GoAutoDial and CRM

Postby mark.molina » Wed May 29, 2013 2:54 pm

Good Morning:

I'm new to this industry and am looking for the CRM system that best fits to GoAutoDial.
What I'm looking for is to obtain call lists, call the numbers and generate leads for another
company. The second company will provide the final status on the sale.

We're expecting at least 1000 daily calls at start and could escalate to at least 5000 by year end.

Thank you for your responses,

My email is mark.molina@mba2014.incae.edu

Thank you,

Mark Molina Sauma

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Re: GoAutoDial and CRM

Postby williamconley » Thu May 30, 2013 9:31 am

"generate leads for another company". Ordinarily it is best to use SugarCRM (my favorite) or vTigerCRM (others like this). But as you have described it, there is no reason to use either. Why would you need to have this information outside Vicidial in the first place? Vicidial can have a script added to send the leads to the other room as they happen or daily ... why do you need an "extra storage space"?
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Re: GoAutoDial and CRM

Postby amr.haydar » Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:39 am

Integration between GoAutoDial and VtigerCRM

can you help me with integration steps between GoAutoDial and VtigerCRM-5.4,
all i found is between vicidial and vtiger 5.1 and there are big differences between vicidial and GoAutoDial

please help me with the steps
a put VtigerCRM-5.4 on ubuntu machine and the GoAutoDial ISO 32bit on another machine with same network
with softphone "zoiper"

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