I am going to setup a Call Center with 10 Agents and will expand it to 30 Agents very soon.
I need information regarding Hardware / Server Requirement.
I will be dialing Survey Campaign with Dial Level 3-5 Avg.
I need recording of each calls.
I am using Voice Minutes terminating in ISP | NO PSTN Lines
I might use USB Timer if required
I will use G729 Codec or better
Bandwidth - 2 Mbps Leased Line for Voice and 2 Mbps DSL for Data
Previously i have faced lots of issue with voice. I don't want to face the same thing again.
Please suggest me.. what should be done for proper implementation so it can run smoothly.
I heard there is a way to separate voice and data communication i also want to implement that.
Please suggest me what would be the best Server / Hardware.
Also suggest me what would be the best Router and Switch for Networking.
My Setup will be like this
Thanks and Regards,